We are ready to embrace 2015!
1050- thankful for the Lord Jesus' birth & death & resurrection
1051- thankful for special chats ..football games & yummy dessert.

1052- thankful for my hubby. My BFF. The one who totally gets me & loves shopping on his lunch break for little surprises (xo!!)...& helps me grow in every area.
1053- thankful for our Christmas Eve tradition - new jammies & facetime christmas with my amazing inlaws. Very special time. #blessed #spoiled
1054- thankful for the continued love we get daily in the mail~ look

At all these beautiful family's!! Loved your cards!! Thank you!!
1055- thankful for our family ... Our 9some... Our Christmas day was a mixture of tradition and embracing the new. We kept our breakfast the same as always- oj coffee & orange cinnamon rolls....wishing we were in FL like years past - but embraced the peace & bliss of not traveling....We all wore jammies practically the whole day & we embraced new faces celebrating with us. My dad was very much missed as holidays always make his absence so much more apparent - but God gave comfort. Getting my dad an xmas gift was always a science. It was fun to ponder the perfect gift ... A giftcard was not adequate...classy clothes - nope- he bought his own stuff - ties?? -not a chance... Ha- sounds like I took after him in his style independence ;) . He liked the thought of a wrapped gift... The meaning behind it was always very valued & appreciated. And he loved fun cards. Papyrus!! Man, I miss buying a Dad card!

1056- thankful for a fun play date with friends - zoo nerf wars & gingerbread houses!!
1057- thankful to watch my brother honor God. I'm very proud of him.

1058- thankful for totally unexpected texts that are a direct answer to prayer!! #prayercircles #family #holycomplicationsareblessings(mark batterson)
1059- thankful to know one squirrel is in squirrel heaven & unable to chew through our attic - Hebert trappers strike rich :)

1060- thankful to have a place for everything in our toy zone #purge!! In with the new out with old! #stayuncluttered
Excited for 2015.
Love seeing God work & mold me to be more like him! #epicfailure & SO much for God to work on & whittle out ....but I keep moving forward.
What's your 2015 key verse? Mine will be posted on 1-1-15, along with a couple 2015 goals