Monday, June 24, 2013

Washington Part 2

Another week...FULL of thankful moments!

Soo... VBS was a HUGE success here! The life of Moses was acted out each day in skit form, and game/activity stations that followed all reinforced the lesson and provided awesome small group time. Such a great way to meet and greet the kids each day and to really get to know them. The biggest morning, we had about 40 kiddos and the smallest was about 24. The mornings were busy but so amazing.
The nights were busy as well, because of gospel meetings. There was a great idea to provide incentive tickets to the kids- if they came out at night & brought adults. The tent was packed almost every night. So amazing!
It was a wonderful week, so thankful for the Christians who provided all our meals. Such a labor of love, which we really loved!

Thursday night we had a bday celebration after meeting for Harrison & his new WA friends :)
Pic will come once loaded :) Never have had a tent meeting birthday celebration, but now he has! Super fun and so glad we could celebrate our super special boy. He met so many new friends last week. He was soo excited.

Friday, after VBS lots of friends started heading home. So we were down to small numbers at the mtg that night and on. We know God is able, no matter how many listen. We are thankful that the good news of the gospel is presented each night. pray for encouragement for Tom & Matt and for attendance to grow a bit.

Meetings end this Friday, Lord Willing, and then we stay for a few more days to visit and hang out with our new friends here. Despite the rural-ness of this sweet town, I am really enjoying it. SHOCKER! I know :) I must admit I frequent Walmart and Safeway as a retail therapy escape :) :) Ohh yeah and payless and jc penney are also here :)
We found a kiddie consignment store (super pricey) but the owner was from AZ, and is a Christian, and mom of 3, super cool to meet  new peeps!
There have been multiple times throughout this experience in WA where God has had to whittle the ME out of ME. Has he done that to you too?? For example....I am soo inflexible(like having a last minute camper bunk in with our fam for a night.. at 1st I was like WHAT!?? (in my mind), the place is a tornado, and we literally use every ounce of space- BUT he was freezing and wet in his tent, so our place was the ONLY of course he came in & we had a blast, Harrison especially with his bunk bed buddy) and love love love structure and routine, and some days have literally been NONE of that, now that VBS is done. Instead of being on the go and 100 miles a minute...we sit outside and just watch our kids run and play with sticks, as we just chat. The still small times where we can see the true beauty of the day, instead of being super rushed. So the Lord is showing me how to be gracious and self-less. I need WAY more work on those areas, but slowly He is working in me, finally! THANKFUL!!
Our tickets are booked :) We arrive home July 9- but we get about a week to hang out with other Christian friends around the Seattle area first ( and sight see and drink tons of starbucks!) (Dunkin I miss you!!!) :) We already got news that Hannah's beta fish Dory took a swim in the toilet ... soo praying our other fishies don't die of missing us too :)

Have a fab day FULL of thankful moments~!!
Thank you for continuing to pray!!
Girl time!

Our almost 3 yr old!

 B-day treats in the tent :)



Besties!! Hannah & Quincy
 Depot Museum in Oroville

 Goofy friends :)








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