Thursday, July 23, 2020

Hannah is T E N !

Yesterday was our sweet girl's 10th.
Like any birthday, you reflect over the years and just get all mushy and gushy with memories. (Endless photos. Thank you Costco for keeping all my archived photos for yearssss and Google... Love love love going down memory lane! )
This year was no different, except it's Covid, we're not by her girlfriends, and... we had planned to be in FL...
BUT... that doesn't change how amazingly special the birthday girl is... so this post my dear Hannah Banana is for you! XOXO

😍10 years ago...
We were so excited to get to the hospital ( just a block from our current house!) to have you! Harrison just turned 5 and was excited for a baby sis!  I was still freaking out that the Dr was wrong and that you would be a boy. I had dreamed of a girl for so long & your closet was ONLY PINK - it seemed surreal that I would have a daughter tonight! And we still didn't know if you were going to be named Ella or Hannah!
 So. Excited. So. So. So.

Easy delivery. Gorgeous dark hair. Perfect doll face. Sweet as could be.
The baby days were not our easiest... you may have been a little more "spunky" than baby Harrison was, and threw me for a loop!

Then came your hospital stay at 10 months. Looking at your doll like form, motionless, intubated, in a baby hospital gown, our earth just stopped.😒 Like literally.

😍When you woke up days later, it was like we all woke up together. Woke up to the massive blessing that you are- and we reflected how we felt that spunk was what kept you fighting to live! Woke up to the faith we all had in those hard days in a real living God and that as a young family, God had our back. We learned so much in those days and now, years later can be really thankful for them! ( It was not the easiest to rejoice without ceasing at the hospital AT ALL but... )

😍So very, very, very thankful God kept you here... we know He has the BEST plans for you and over the last 10 years we have witnessed your heart just bloom and see His plans come to life! What a joy it is to parent you! We see how you bloomed from the adorable and exhausting "No" to everything stage ( that seemed endless!) to the heart that gives endlessly to others. Your heart has bloomed for others just recently in bigger ways, maybe it has always been but our constant time together allows me to recognize this more and I want to journal here so when you get older and read this someday, you remember how deep and generous your heart was!
😍 ( We went to Goodwill this week, looking for storage containers. Of course we found 0 of those, but a million other things like the Pottery Barn Chair, but I digress... we went, you saw a lady who looked pretty interesting and in a tough state, sitting criss cross applesauce on the floor, with a stack of books by her. You commented to me that "wow, she is reading chapter books". We were both impressed! At the check out you asked if you could give her money. In true skeptic form, I said no, but you could give her a Giftcard to Goodwill. You walked over to her, gave it to her. The sweet toothless lady was in awe. She was so thankful and you know what? I bet you changed her course. She can buy books. And we know that books can transform. She can read and she can go places.
One act of kindness will spread. Thank you for loving her. Thank you for teaching me how to see the good in others who we would seemingly pass along. XO)

😍We are blessed to learn so much from you. We love that you ask deep and hard questions. We love that you are shy yet bold. We love how you support Hudson. We love how you try to act like a teenager to relate to Harrison. We love your dance moves. We love your energy to try new things, maybe one day you will try new foods ;)
 We love that you BEYOND amazing with Lulu. (It's ok... for now, that she prefers you to me!πŸ˜πŸ˜„). We love your creativity. I may not love all the glitter and slime residue that I have to clean up, but one day I know I will miss it! You see the good in situations and we pray that you will live each day like it's your 10th birthday. No matter where you are, what the circumstances, who you are with, you overcame a Covid Bday- baby! You got this! God's got you! We love you fiercely. Like crazy fierce. Like ain't noone gonna mess with my baby girl, fierce. Like unicorn boards are our new thing, fierce. I hope you get the idea 😊
 We have your back. Keep growing in grace and love and shine on, Sis! Now, can we pop this cute money balloon and go shopping already!? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ™‹

Hannah's Faves 7/22/2020
Song: Pocket Full of Sunshine : Nastasha Bedingfield & Speechless from Aladdin
Christian Song: Amazing Grace by Simon Khorolskiy
Book: Judy Moody
Place to travel: Egypt
Food: Pizza, Miso Soup, Grilled Chicken
Junk Food: Hot Cheetos, Pickles, Pringles, Gummies
Dessert: Fro Yo with fun toppings
Hobby: Painting, Crafting, Slime making
Interesting fact: Loves sleeping in the car & napping anytime, and is raising a pet duck

 Day 2! Coming home!

 1st Birthday!

The beautiful curly hair stage.
Nap Lover

Birthday Fun ! 7-22-2020
Although it was a work day for us virtually, we had to get out for a fun girls only brunch date! We had seen yummy pictures from The Lola AZ, and when they said they could make a unicorn board as a surprise, we were sold! Off we went!
 ( This place is usually hustling and bustling! Such a fun area, but we had it to ourselves! )

 This board tho.... came out with a sparkler going nuts too... we were facetiming my mom as it came out, so it was like she was there too! So special!! And who knew there was spearmint cotton candy? The craziest yummiest flave!!
 ( and no, we did not finish all this!! but the boys sure loved the leftovers!)
 Family party at night!
 ( More party pix next week on Monday!)
Loved all the party details & can't wait to share!

Love you Hannah! 😍

1 comment:

  1. Sweetest post! Love all the memories, and all of Hannah's precious personality traits! And for reals, I want a sparkling unicorn board. What a fun time for you two! πŸ’—πŸ’—
