Sunday, July 12, 2015


Thankful for summer nights

Thankful for Matt's ulcer situation, to be 1} diagnosed & 2} on the mend
. A quick trip to ER, a few scans and tests and 4 prescriptions later, he is on slowly getting back to healthy :)

Thankful for another awesome year at Good Shepherd VBS

Thankful for the cool blue-tooth meat thermometer we got for our smoker

Thankful for family time 
Thankful for cotton candy

Thankful that Betty Crocker decided to replenish all the stores with her delish Rainbow Chip frosting
{Amazon is selling for 10 bucks each! I bought 7 at Walmart, for 1.60 each!}
Thankful for Thursday nights as our possible new whole family together time

Thankful for clear direct signs from Heaven... for our lives
Thankful for a very special preacher, Mr. Hull, he is now in Heaven, with His savior whom he loved so much and told so many about. We have many happy memories of him & below is the very inspiring & uplifting, yet personally challenging messages from his funeral... I needed to hear Peter Ramsey's awesome lessons from Mr. Hull over and over again & after writing them down, I hope to live more "outside the box, but inside the book" and be "more gracious"..., it works best on a computer, not phone, and theres a link on the left hand sign to watch "video of funeral". Enjoy. Allow the Lord to speak to you. 

Hannah's not a cake lover, so her b-day cake was cotton candy with a candle on top :)

Scripture writing time

 Hannah's attempts of verse writing :)

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