Monday, October 12, 2020


Today is No School & we are loving it! 

'Today is also my mom's hip surgery, prayers appreciated. She should be nearly done with the surgery as I type this, but we pray for recovery time as well. 

Thankful for out of state friends coming to visit! Friendships refresh! 

Thankful for family time & this adorable romper courtesy of our fave AZ Consignment store! 

Thankful for Grandpa Ray needing the two dressers that came with this crib! Lulu scored big! So fancy and so perfect for her sun porch nursery! Best room in the house! 

Thankful for fun city explorations!

Thankful for yummy cleaning products! 

Thankful for yummy oil scents! My sis in law hooked it up with Thieves! That fall scent tho! 

Thankful for an encouraging Sunday service! With masked singing! We have surely missed the live time and the vocals! 

Our newest fave hymn

Thankful for fall foliage! The bright yellows and reds are so pretty!

Thankful for this reminder to keep in the Word


  1. Lulu's ruffly romper is the cutest EVER! Thankful you made it back to Chicago safely. Praying your mom's recovery is going well! ❤️

  2. I just caught up on your blogs! Glad you’re all home and safe☺️ I hope your mom is recovering well 🙏🏽 Miss you all— can’t wait until the borders open up and we can pay you guys a visit.

