Monday, January 11, 2016


Thankful this week for...

an exciting & encouraging outreach idea meeting for our church.

healthy eating week 1 done. {recipe love of the week: turkey meatballs with jalapenos over zucchini pesto zoodles}

an easier than expected transition back to work & school.

news that Hudson's speech is covered under insurance


news that I was picked as one of a few teachers to tutor after school & I get to do 1st grade ( My true love grade! & the tutoring days are on days that actually are good with our schedule!)

my 3 month teaching time with Sunday School beginning again

memorization of scripture challenge

Matt's new cologne

Hill Christmas
{I love that our family loves food. I love that Dustin was able to get a good deal on an entire Prime Rib. I love that we were able to extend Christmas this late. I love that we hadn't seen each other for a few weeks so it was so good to chat through all our happenings. I love the look on Hudson's face when Ray brought out his trike. I love that even though he has not mastered his words yet- the way he was dancing and pointing and laughing truly was so so so cute! I love that I have a sister..and one with great taste.}

 okay honesty time ;) I might have had fun using the spray tan photo editor on our family picture :) For everyone... even Hudsie ;)
 The rest of the photos we are all back to normal ghosts. 

This is Hannah. Our dreamer and creator. Not a huge fan of the present and attention overload. 
Quietly sitting at home, post Crayola bliss with this great gift :)


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