Tuesday, December 15, 2015

10 days!!

Happy 10 days until Christmas!!

Thankful this week for ... grace... for God's grace... for other's grace... for my kids having grace with me. Matthew West's Song "Grace Wins" is my new fave!

"No more lying down in death's defeat
Now I'm rising up in victory
Singing hallelujah
Grace wins every time

For the prodigal son, grace wins
For the woman at the well, grace wins
For the blind man and the beggar, grace wins
For always and forever, grace wins
For the lost out on the street, grace wins
For the worst part of you and me, grace wins
For the thief on the cross, grace wins
For a world that it lost

There's a war between guilt and grace
And they're fighting for a sacred space
But I'm living proof
Grace wins every time"

Read more at http://www.songlyrics.com/matthew-west/grace-wins-lyrics/#E2iXY6pEG7xm5Jde.99

Thankful for my school. I love the people here. L.O.V.E.
Example: last night was an 8th grade parent meeting to talk about fundraising for their Atlanta trip in May. The 8th grade lead teacher who is a believer, and quite an amazing lady, shared today how God provided for 15, $250 scholarships!!! Like really!?! That is THE best way to start our day! How awesome right? Right here, in the midst of hard hearts and police protests and broken families... God's powerful light shines... Her students had to write an essay, and unbeknownst to them, she shared them with people who could fund partial payments of their $660 trip. Their parents were blown away. The students were blown away. And the best part? She was able to tell the entire crowd of 30+ that it was from God & how she knew God is faithful and would provide for all her students... there are 15 more students to go, but she knows  those kiddos will be partially funded too.

Thankful for our new speech therapist- recommended by friends- she rearranges her schedule and drives out of her normal zone, to come help Hudson. Hudson enjoys her & we are praying that his love of babbling continues into more age appropriate sentences :)

Thankful that the Pats stopped their losing streak on Sunday ;)

Thankful for my hubby's selfless heart. I love his willingness to spend all of Hudson's nap time planning our supper! {That was NOT how I spent Hudson's naptime... oops!!} Look at this spread! {The meat is pork, in a special southern bourbon sauce wrapped in Bacon}

Thankful for new music... we are now completely obsessed with BYU's Vocal Point  group and their song "Nearer My God to Thee". Click here. It is heavenly.


Thankful for Secret Santa week at work- love love love this time of year & love that I found out how to make origami cash trees!! {For those awesome totally indecisive people... bah humbug lol Yeah the ones who put NOTHING on their Secret Santa lists, except "Merry Christmas" and "Its better to give than to receive"}.... Mine... as you can only guess was VERY Specific :) And maybe all about Dunkin and colorful markers ;)

Thankful to have listened to Dr. Ian Paisley's message "To Live is Christ" from Sermon Audio. If you can get past the very strong accent ;), It is a life changer. One quote I am trying to take to heart "not to be a 1/2 time Christian, be a full time Christian"

Thankful to have met Harrison's friend and his mom. Although my initial reply to many of our kid's requests for playdates is "sometime, but not now", we committed to hosting not only a dinner but a sleepover{gasp!} & gingerbread house time. And yes I survived. Yes -my entire routine was thrown off Sunday morning, but it's all good and I'm alive to tell about it ;) And the sweet boy came to church with us, and although he said "it was boring", he listened really well during the whole 1st service.

Thankful for another fun trumpet performance... more than our own kiddos playing, times like this open the floodgates of our own childhood performances, and Matt played clarinet, I played drums, cello and sang, and each holiday show I knew in the audience my parents and grandparents were always smiling and watching. Matt's too. Heartwarming memories of family time is what it's all about. XO


  1. Amazing how that teacher gave credit to God for the kids' funding! Definitely not something you see happening very often these days...and certainly not in schools! How awesome for you to be in an environment like that. :) Also, hats off to you for hosting a sleepover on a Saturday night and living to tell about it. ;)
