Tuesday, February 9, 2021


Our week in pictures! 

It was a hectic week- combo of online teaching during the breaks of the Dissertation Defense classes and the chairs were sticklers- although super awesome! They ensured our success and kept my distracted self in those rooms til 5pm! But we made it through! Matt wins all the multitasking Dad trophies. He taught and maintained sanity with 4 kids in the adjoining room! Teamwork makes the dream work!

This was everything. One of my students was visiting family here in AZ and came by to meet me in person! ALL THE HEARTS.
Thankful for someone else making the daily food - breakfast lunch & dinner, plus 2 snacks. I felt like a kid. It was beautiful. 

The crew!
Hannah was beaming with the macaron ice cream treat! Yum!
Pool time!

We were thankful to have local friends over for pizza and crokinole! This was a new to us game & we all LOVE it! 

Early bird gets the best chairs. Oh wait, I think we were the crazy birds. It was 60 degrees and noone else was swimming for 3 hours! 👀

Sunday church time, and she lasted longer than usual! She loves sitting on the seats now! 
Super Bowl Sunday! 
Elle and Lulu
That sky tho!

Have a great week xo

1 comment:

  1. You are super woman girl!
    Gramps was the crokinole king, and we have his old board. ❤️Such a fun game!
