Monday, April 2, 2018


Image result for its my birthday month'

Thankful that April is here! 22 days until my big 3-5!

Thankful that we had an amazing week at KoOlina!

Thankful that my mom and Ray made it home safely, after a fun in the sun, relaxing
( yes they were able to actually sit at the "Reflection Pool- Quiet Please" all day while we were at school!)

Thankful for new blessings in the form of 2 new books!
Restless by Jennie Allen & Searching for Spring by Christine Hoover

Thankful for friends that visit and make sure to have dinner together and share lots of fun family history and lots of encouragement. To be a part of God's family has endless blessings. Seriously so good.

Thankful for the dose of reality that we took with grace. Moving out of KoOlina, to our area, took a little wind out of my sail, but we were refreshed by the week there, and we know all good things do sadly come to an end.
Image result for all good things come to an end

Thankful that we are in the 4th Qtr at school, meaning just about 40 school days left of this year!

Image result for countdown to summer break teacher\

Thankful for a  beautiful Easter weekend.
 A friend recommended this book    Image result for the garden the curtain the cross  & Hannah really enjoyed learning some good truths with it.

We also enjoyed having visitors from Malaysia and Australia on Sunday which helped our little gathering's service to be pretty perfect.

Thankful for this hymn

and for the "a-ha" moment I had on Sunday. I have been feeling quite discontent lately- and it seems ironic to have those feelings while living in basically earthly paradise... however they come... and I wonder why... why won't different activity here make us feel content? Should we ever feel content? I know Paul says to be content.... but I feel like we should always be wanting more... more of the right and true and holy things that God wants us to be about.... and not to settle for anything less  than eternal views.....
Like CS Lewis saidImage result for cw lewis quotes

 and then singing those words, that most def got me teary,
(Verse 4) 
Soon Thou wilt come again,
Jesus, my Lord!
I shall be happy then,
Jesus, my Lord!
Then, Thine own face I see;
Then I shall like Thee be;
Then evermore with Thee, 

Jesus, my Lord!

Thankful for a delish lunch, our kids who don't eat , make for cheap dates, and the Easter Bunny was extra chill & always around our table.

Image result for restless jennie allen quote

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