Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Thankful for fun ELA centers and for an amazing class that handles centers so efficiently!

Thankful for soccer time and sunset skies

 Thankful for this beaut and her heart of gold.

Thankful for that hope of the heavenly reunion! The sky at the cemetery was just incredible.

 Thankful for the longest morning work ever. #peaceandquietbeforethestorm ;)

 Thankful for our kids' school celebrating International Peace Day!

 Thankful that we had this smiley guy's IEP meeting this week. I most def love hearing from his specialists and I am BEYOND thankful for the village we have for him here in Palos, but it made me just break down as well. The mystery behind those baby blues and big smile is just... hard... and perplexing... and exhausting... we know God has big plans for him and for us as we try to understand how his incredibly complex brain ticks... he is up for a re-eval, which will provide a whole slew of assessments & we are thankful for those & are excited to learn more on how to make little buddies days the best they can be!

Thankful for soccer Saturdays.
 Here come da boyz. And my Dunks! 👍
 Hudson & Cooper!
 Mimi & Hannah
 Get it son!
 And you too!
 Mimi is such a good sport!

We needed a BDubs night/// And yes we hammered those wings.

Hannah modeling another Tessa skirt!! And my mom's new paint! The house was under construction this week and looks so updated and fresh! New hallway paint. New chandelier and new bathroom color! My pink bathroom dreams have come true ;)

Thankful for Sunday Funday time!

Thankful for Monday being PJ day for Hannah and a perfect weather day for bright chalk!

Thankful for yummy cookies baked with love for my class! Love ya Sher!

Heard this portion this morning, a little heavier this week during Revelation readings, but really exciting to know that the Lamb will conquer... and to hear all about Heaven .. Working hard to stay focused eternally! Last week was a blur of too much worldy stuff... here's to a new week 
Image result for lamb will conquer revelation 18

Monday, September 17, 2018


Thankful for a fun weekend!
It was the perfect blend of fellowship, fam jam time and naps!

Thankful for Matt coaching. Signing up to coach, while we were still in Hawaii seemed a bit overwhelming- but 1- he is a natural soccer star and 2- he is so good with his team and 3- princess can join too as the "ref"
The mental outlet for him and for the time with Harrison and his teammates is refreshing!

Thankful for a tasty salad bar supper for Matt and his PGM friend Casey

Thankful for all the angelic pics I can snap as they sleep.
Get we get an AMEN for bedtime!? :)

Thankful for the sunny ride in each day! The weather has been gorgeous and the sunrise seems totally Heavenly!

Thankful for our schedule in school this year for my bestie helper Miss Jordan being with me all morning! On Friday we were invited to join the middle school class in the garden. She had the great idea to make some literacy connections 1st. And I got to be paparazzi. I like this job ;)

 Thankful for Hannah's huge heart. I love that she is old enough to be a big help in my class. And yes she might have played hooky but it was only a 1/2 day ;)

 On Friday's we commute together! And since these two cuties wanted a nap, I got to be their chauffeur.

Thankful for our 1st paydayyyyyyyyyyy
Yes it was only a 5 day payday, instead of 10, but it was something.... soooo we were REJOICING and overate. #YUM

Thankful for time with friends and for our Change the World in a couple hours convo 😉

Image result for friends build up

Thankful for the solo commutes, and the audio time. 
Today was ...
Image result for hebrews

Monday, September 10, 2018


Thankful for a new week
I love Mondays & the freshness we have after a great weekend!

Thankful that Hudson is totally healthy again!

Thankful for Open Houses! It made our evenings crazy last week, but I ADORE meeting the village that is so awesome in the educational journey of our kids.
I also love the projects that are on display.

 I love that she writes herself happy locker notes
Thankful for my students LOVING snuggle buggles and building Stamina during SSR

 Thankful for Grandpa Ray's visit! A big shout out to my mom and ray for their endless Dutch Blitz games with Hannah & handling all three H's from the crack of dawn!


 Thankful for fun STEM projects and dress down Fridays for Matt!

Thankful for staying connected with this family during our Hawaii year, and now my dear Karla is in 2nd grade but I have her baby sister Nay Nay & could bring these smiling cuties home for the night.

Read more here ( this was from 2016, and their 1st gospel meeting) '

Thankful for cute pics throughout the day in school!

Thankful for Soccer Saturdays

I love this goalie of ours and her determination. It made my momma heart sad when a few of her teammates told her she was annoying because she didn't stop all the balls... maybe she isn't as aggressive as some nor competitive ( at all!), and she was down on herself... all those voices... they are always around aren't they? It's so sad that at 8, in a just for fun league, there are already negative comments... but I was so thankful for the mom daughter chat we could have because of those comments... Genesis 50:20.... what was meant for harm was used for good... and at 8 she is a little bit wiser and understands the harm and value of words... and we just pray that she will empower others to use their words wisely too & always try new things ( like being goalie) with a "Can Do" attitude! Get it girl!

Thankful for Bob Goff just nailing it.

Thankful for Matt's encouragement to just get to the gym on our gloomy, tired Saturday... I felt so good after... and FINALLY after like a month of the weight loss challenge, there is finally a leaderboard! Aloha Ali ( me) made it!! Here's for moving on up to 1st by Oct 6!!

Thankful to have finally met Matt and Hannah's friend Jay! And hang out with these adorable love birds.

 Hooray for Mr Heberts attendance!!
 Thankful for incredible school leadership.... in this picture are a bunch of really important people from IL  and the Netherlands.
 And then there's us... Sann me and the garden queen

Thankful for Hampton's Missionary Conference being online! I look forward to my commutes now! 
Link below to listen!

Also Psalm 118 for the Monday encouragement today! 
Image result for psalm 118