Loved Cross Country, Track & declamation.
Enjoyed the new menu that they offered - especially the cookies :)
Made new friends, all of which seemed to strengthen him and build him up. For this exact thing we prayed and will continue to pray for.
Has yet to go through any school drama issues ( All the Praise the Lord hands here!)
Made mistakes, learned from them .
Still neon and under armour obsessed.
Made our hearts burst with pride... many many times.
Harrison's connection teacher Mrs Partin will always be in our hearts. Her "chillness" according to H was "so cool", and he loved being in her home room.
The nerves about switching classes, using a locker, being mixed up with different schools, different schedules etc, all went away with time, and with the blessing of online parent portal for grade checking & amazing hands on, supportive teachers who meet at "Zero hour" ( 648am!) to assist with homework help and test prep, and the Lord's protection of our "baby" ( he will forever be my baby... love this boy SO crazy much!)... he DID IT. Year one of middle school down...
and we got a cool license plate cover to show for all the hard work ;)
Hannah Banana:
Enjoyed both teachers in her 1st grade class.
Mrs Garbie began the year as the long term sub for Mrs Doherty during Maternity Leave.
Hannah made new friends but always stuck extra close to Hannah K- her bestie since PreK.
Mrs Doherty came back in November, and rocked our world with kindness, patience, positivity & grace. Her little love notes motivated Hannah to keep reading & working hard on spelling words.
Hannah loved her classmates, and had little drama, for which we are thankful!
Her tender heart was shown out in many ways, and for her class to nominate her for this award, seemed so fitting.
She loved Art and Music the best, and really enjoyed learning new games during PE class. She loved chicken nugget day for Hot Lunch but really wanted a packed lunch each day. Her favorite accessory was the adorable hand sanitizer dangly doo's from B&BW.
She learned how to make her own pony tail, {thank you short hair}- and to comb it thoroughly every single day on her own.
Her creativity and love of learning is exciting to this teacher momma & we are beyond thrilled to see what 2nd grade holds!
Hannah & Hannah
Hudson Frederick:
Oh how he loved that school bus & school each day!
It literally felt like the 1st day of school every single day. He was so excited for Miss Eileen's bus each day. Miss Eileen is so special. The love she had to make us crazy non bus riding parents feel eased initially, was amazing. Her safety and punctuality was awesome. Her smile and love for Hudson was beautiful.
Hudson loved his friends : Cooper, Zachary, Noah and Owen. {I loved the small class size !}
He loved his bus rider friend Lucy or in his words "Foosy". He loved the centers that PreK offered, especially the Sensory table that was so creatively switched out each unit & the train center. The units were sooooo creative... I loved learning alongside Hudson!
Miss Daley - the head teacher was everything that you would dream for your child as they learn to love school. Miss Daley's passion to reach these little hearts is amazing and undeniable. It takes a very very special soul to reach these little friends, all of which had some special area that they were working on.
The team in place to check on little bud during the day to provide Speech & OT with him, was remarkable.
And so now we embrace Summer... and are thankful for the past months of learning and growing ... and pray that the kids always hold their educational experiences near and dear to their hearts...
Multitude Monday Thankful List
Thankful for......
this adorable grad. Congrats Gracie! 1st grade here she comes!
Baby Allen and his new surfer dude Build a Bear
Friday night car shows & hoppy toads
sunny sweaty stroller rides
New to us pizza places
Sunny Scooter time & snuggles during baseball games
Thankful that this cute thing wanted to write a note to leave at the hotel for whoever came across it.... Get it Preacher Hannah... get it girl.
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