Thankful for our Country, our freedoms and the brave men and women who protect those freedoms.
Thankful for hearing positive comments regarding Hudson's growth during his IEP meeting.
Thankful for his team of teachers that support and encourage him, and us! I would be lost without these kind hearted, resourceful people that share their amazing ideas with us!
Thankful for the kids having their last week of school this week... how can it be? It seems like yesterday we were guiding Harrison on how to use a locker for middle school and now that year is nearly behind us. All the concern we had for our kids now being "bus riders", seems like a laughable worry. The friends that our kids were blessed with. The activities, the teachers, the support staff, the field trips, the memories. Oh the joys. So very thankful.
Thankful for fun ABC count downs in our Kindergarten room.
Letter I day had us out on our field, and then making Conditioner/Corn Starch Ice Cream and enjoying real ice cream :)
Thankful for these texts from Harrison.
Thankful for the courage to take our kids out to a semi fancy place for dinner. They did amazingly well & loved the food off the "swords" & the fancy ice cream.
{ Good thing Hudson was free, because he is not a meat eater :) }
Thankful for our 11 year old photographer who captured us in real life blur. I love it so much it hurts. We do want a slower pace, but for now, our life, our hearts, our minds feel full and totally in fast forward momentum... and we are thankful... yet tired... Excited for some summer rest!
Thankful for our card playing Americana queen.
Career Development and the New Day Drug Rehab sections of PGM were treated to a fun Softball game at the local park. There was a yummy BBQ meal too! SO much fun to show these guys ( and a few gals) how much fun FUN can be when it's done in a healthy, non drug/alcohol way!
{ Thankful for the patience of all these hungry guys who let Hudson scoot in front of them, slowly but surely... and made it to the cooler for soda, zippity quick!}
Thankful for a perfect ending to a perfect day.... Baby Al snuggles, family chats and lots of good food!

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