Today marks the last Monday our kiddos go to school for this year!
{I won't even begin to do an end of year post today, as it will wreak havoc on my emotions- their teachers this year have been Heaven sent in every single aspect & to think of leaving them is literally unthinkable!}
Thankful for....
*fun kiddo birthday parties (our local ice cream shop, uses their top floor for private parties, and Moana showed up!)
*free samples in the mail ( Thanks Esther!! XO)
*quiet time to hammer out some note writing
*continued peace during transition time
*family together time... even if it included time outs and whining & the restaurant served German food & were out of the 1 food recognizable to them... cinnamon rolls ;)
Annnnnd those 2 are pretty legit too ;)
*time off to chaperone Hannah ( love her teacher's method... they only go on one chaperoned trip a year, so any amount of chaperones are welcome)... this allowed for Hannah to either choose a friend or just come solo with me... since all her friends mom's came, she decided it was just her and I time- and how fun it was.. love one on one time!! Even in the 50 degree pouring rain!
*scriptures that jump off the page and into our heart
With a fistful of enemies in one hand
and a fistful of haters in the other,
You radiate with such brilliance
that they cringe as before a furnace.
Now the furnace swallows them whole,
the fire eats them alive!
You purge the earth of their progeny,
you wipe the slate clean.
All their evil schemes, the plots they cook up,
have fizzled—every one.
You sent them packing;
they couldn’t face you.
and a fistful of haters in the other,
You radiate with such brilliance
that they cringe as before a furnace.
Now the furnace swallows them whole,
the fire eats them alive!
You purge the earth of their progeny,
you wipe the slate clean.
All their evil schemes, the plots they cook up,
have fizzled—every one.
You sent them packing;
they couldn’t face you.
13 Show your strength, God, so no one can miss it.
We are out singing the good news!
We are out singing the good news!
Psalm 21 :8-13 MSG
*ABC countdown began last Monday - with A for Artist Day...
Then of course we needed a swim suit preach ( from Papa's binder on Matthew)
Another successful swim night!
*unexpected blessing for my inlaws. My mother in law and Gracie walk into Dunkin last week before taking Gracie to school. They throw confetti and give her a grand!! Plus 3 months free coffee.... just because.... she was one of 16 in the whole nation... tell me God is not in on EVERY detail of our lives? She was like, I knew God would answer our prayers, but had no idea it was going to come from Dunkin! Really... unreal... but what a GREAT story of answered prayer.. .and it couldn't have gone to a better person... my mother in law needs a mother's day party every month, for how well she balances life with raising a grandchild full time... The Lord knew and provided, in the craziest way! I hope it encourages you, dear reader, of the abundance of blessings that the Lord has for His people... 2Chronicles 7:14...
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