Thankful to have been surrounded by amazing colleagues and led by a simply selfless amazingly dedicated Principal.
In reflection- too often we took each other for granted. We got annoyed over dumb things ( one ream of copy paper a month? Really? No glue sticks ever? Really? No A/C on heat wave days? Really?!). The stress of the chaos of the day got the best of us too often ...
But then the day comes when we say goodbye... and you just have to breathe... deeply...
my adorable class was all dressed up like handsome dudes and gorgeous princessess- literally- tiaras ... and then our song was from Wreck it Ralph - "When Can I See You Again".... It seemed like a good song at the time... but as we are singing it- it just hit a too close to home nerve... and when my smartest, most angelic, perfect student was crying the whole song, I cried inside with her...
and that was before the good byes... which still have my eyes watering...
You know that dream job? Not the easy job... but the job of the constant challenge... mental..physical... emotional..spiritual.. literally keeps you on your knees every moment of the day... asking God to shut your mouth, to shut a kids a mouth and to stop that smell of broccoli from coming in your Hawaiian scented room...
Yeah... this was it.. and my classroom? My own beautiful sanctuary with Hannah's adorable tee-pee being the bright safe spot for so many tired kiddos, who needed to snuggle solo and regroup.
I came to teach & hopefully somehow, someway impact the ones around me.... and I left as the one being taught, with a HUGE Wadsworth imprint on my heart, that will never fade.
I literally have just a flood of good thoughts and memories from the past 2 years at Wadsworth, once I moved past the scissors being thrown at me and the gun shots by the garlic garden....
In my teaching years... no school has had my heart literally ache packing up and driving away.. and then there was Wadsworth...
Pray for Wadsworth. Pray for the community, that they will grow together and have peace and strength. The zipcode to specifically pray over is 60637.
We know God has His hand in all the details & will watch over the kids this summer. July 4th is the day that many many shootings and killings happen in the city, and we ask for prayer now, for that crazy day.
Pray for Dr Shabazz to have guidance in all his endeavors and for him to trust Jesus as his Savior.
Pray for my class of kinders who will move upstairs, without my bestie taking them in 1st grade- as she has moved too.
Pray for my weary heart, that aches to walk the halls of Wadsworth again- because it's like a 2nd home and I love the comfort there... walking into the unknown. even though it's a beautiful island paradise is simply hard to imagine. Thankful for our God who knows, who knew and has it under control.
....A few memories from the past 2 years ....

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