Thankful for God's I Loves You's! We got a pleasant surprise- our kitchen appliances are stainless, instead of white, like our guy told us! I love the look of stainless, and our since our kitchen is pretty itty bitty- I really appreciate the upgrades & a gas stove! I love instant flame too cook with!
Thankful for an encouraging graduation at PGM & another Bible distribution last Thursday night
Thankful to be in the single digit school end count down... 9 days after today! #Icandohardthings...because Christ will give me strength...
Thankful that I now know that my time in this classroom is not for naught... I have been able to be a witness to them in small measures... like not allowing them to take God's name in vain my room or use Jesus as a curse word... at the end of last week I was so ready to Q.U.I.T.... but I know I am being used in this dark class for His light & that is what will propel me forward over the next 9 days...
Thankful for encouraging, helpful, happy friends
Thankful for Harrison making some sick baseball plays. First time he has thrown his catchers helmet off to catch a foul for an out... pretty cool :)
Thankful that we have all our beds/crib set up & most of our stuff at our new home! We plan to start living there tonight! I love the unpacking & organizing part, and it was like Christmas yesterday when the kids discovered a whole tub of Build A Bear toys & clothes!
Thankful for this girl, her heart and this smile
Thankful to have scored some free furniture... it might have come from a deceased person's room at a nursing home, but how can such good solid furniture just be dumped!?! I saw it & snagged it... got this mirror- SUPER heavy, and repainted it this fun color, OOPS paint at Home Depot 50 cents!! and then did the same paint and distressed look to the matching 3 drawer free dresser :)
I am not a formal DIY-er... I am way too impatient for sanding and smoothing and perfection ... so if you paint super fast and miss lots of spots, it ends up looking distressed without any effort at all and hardly any paint... win win win :) :) :)
Thankful for my brother and his selfless heart. He has so much of my dad in him and it makes me smile and I know my dad smiles from Heaven when we get along :) One letter he wrote to Dusty and I ended with this "stay close to each other and close to the Lord"... then a card I saved from my dad when Matt & I moved from IL to AZ 10 years ago, ended the same way... Perfect words of wisdom... They have proven to be words of truth and I share them with you, my dear reader today, stay close to whoever you are nearest and dearest to, and stay close to the Lord...
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