Last week I was digging through tubs of our stuff & excited to find places for it all in our new place...and didn't update this blog....
Today, I will blog 20 thankful-nesses
Thankful- to enjoy a nearly unplugged 2 weeks -
Thankful to watch Hannah use her huge heart to share & play with Hudson
Thankful that my better half & oldest son made it to WA safely & are enjoying their time & that the single digit countdown to their arrival is happening!!! :):):):)
Thankful that Hannah has enough spunk & courage to attend a new VBS without harrison
Thankful for her creativity & love of all things artsy
Thankful for a successful yard sale weekend - dining room table for 10 bucks! No it's not my pintrest dream table, but it's my reality table & I'm excited for the happy memories to be made around it :) don't let the picture fool you... Both ends pull out & I'm guessing can seat 8-12! I'll need some more smaller chairs or ideally a cute bench :)
Thankful for a very captive audience of 9 preschool - kindergarten aged kiddies during sunday school
Thankful for a birthday plan for both our kids
Thankful for target to stock up on birthday party loot
Thankful to have lawn care included ... Watching someone else lug their trimmers & blowers & ladders around makes me soooo thankful that it's them & not me ;)
Thankful that vbs day 1 of jungle safari was a hit for miss Hannah
Thankful that harrisons amazing 3rd grade teacher is a chaperone there & will keep an eye on Hannah
Thankful to start day 1 of hudsons bottle weaning #fiercein15 ....poor sweety is in love with his "baba"- but I know "technically" he should have been off it closer to 1 than to 3 -yikes lol- trying to keep him a baby for as long as possible I guess... Sigh...
Thankful that Hannah is now water only at night & naps ( she had been a chronic sippy cup of milker until Friday :)) #icandohardthings ;)
Thankful for my dear to be sisters kamilas energy & spunk... I'm so excited we are going to be sisters :) so.
Thankful that lulu lemon makes guys clothes! #fathersday
Thankful that my hubby is such a hands on dad & lover of our kids. He has his moms patience( wow, she's an angel!!) & we need it in our family! Also thankful for his spiritual leadership in our home & his muscles to protect me from bees & Hannah ... From fruit flies - true story- she's petrified.
Thankful for my dads amazing example of an earthly father. I don't miss buying him a gift / he was impossible to shop for! But I miss the card aisle. A lot. "Dad from daughter" section still tears at my heart.
Thankful for my heavenly father. Being alone the past 9 days ( but who's counting!) has really made me pour my heart out to Him & have had to rely on Him to protect me. In my weakness - he's made stronger! It's sooo totally true. Thankful for the noises in the night that make me just say God I know you see outside & I'm glad I dont / keep the bad guys away. Amen :)
Thankful for summer berries
Photo dump :)
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