Happy Tuesday!!
Normally Tuesdays are my least favorite day of the week, but today I am LOVING it!!
It feels like a Monday, but we are one day closer to Friday. :)
Thankful this week for Ray driving up from Iowa to help us move.
Thankful for full tummies, happy hearts, and fun memories around the picnic table last night
Thankful for the genius behind the square Smore friendly marshmallows
Thankful for my hubby & his love for me and his love for the Lord
Thankful that Harrison can memorize lines so fast. He has 3 parts in his class play tomorrow, and knows them cold. I love that he is so responsible. His parts are: a baby, a Marine & a surfer. Thankful that Ray is sharing his dad's real WWII uniform with Harrison for the marine part!
Thankful that we had an entire week free of baseball commitments
Thankful for our school's walk-a-thon... see pic below... it was an hour outside... walking lap after lap & the kids & I loved it :)
Thankful for pictures of my mom's grave back in Boston.
Thankful for my mom's pool heater, and the fact that we could swim in the rain because it was like a hot tub!! Oh the joy that water brings to our kids. Loved it. Not loving Hudson's fearless water antics ;)
Thankful that Matt's memere is recovering a little each day from a stroke she had last week. The many miles between us make it extra hard. Please pray that Memere understands that Jesus died for her, and that although she is the SWEETEST, kindest, person ever- that isn't God's standard for Heaven. Pray for Matt's mom that she will be strong, be encouraged & continue to have the opportunity to share the good news with her mom.
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