Hi Friends :)
Happy Tuesday from Okanogan WA. Our time here is drawing to a close, but we still have 4 busy days ahead & plan to live it up as much as we can :)
770-I am thankful that... wifi is a rarity - the detoxing from the normal one click away mail and text service has done us good!

771-Thankful for the gift of now- "Turn off your phone. Be still. Be present — and you get the gift of now." ( Ann Voskamp, Holy Experience)
772-Thankful to be here for a baptism of a new believer
773-thankful for the awesome VBS stories skits and crafts last week. Last year's theme was Moses, this year's theme was Country Fair, and farm stories like Cain & Able, the Prodigal son etc. The prodigal son, acted out, was so so touching. Not sure I have ever cried reading the story!? But when it's acted out in real life, in front of you, it is SO moving & So amazing that WE were like that son! Yet, in our sin filth, which is way worse than his pig filth, we were hugged by our Father and lovingly welcomed to an eternal family. Wow!! ( To read more about that story from the Bible, www.biblegateway.com, Luke 15)
774-thankful that Hudson's bites are healing- I still secretly wondered if he got a fast dose of chicken pox, as the welts were pretty severe, but they are healing and our nurse friends here say they were "just" bites.

775-thankful that we have a 9 year old son!! Yesterday Harrison officially turned 9! We enjoyed recalling the exacts of his birth - there is something very special about the 1st born & Harrison is a dream boy. We are thankful he is saved & helps Matt come up with analogies for preaching. We pray that he will continue to be a good balance of a sensitive strong leader boy for Christ. We love that he is ALL boy, is super athletic, has a great voice and loves to belt all sorts of songs! He is a great helper, huge helper actually! He has brought much joy & yesterday June 23rd was very special!
776-thankful for my mom who bought pizza for the Christians so we could have a pizza party celebration here in rural Okanogan
777-thankful for answered prayers. we have been hearing about an unsaved son and husband- and at supper last night we prayed he would come. We opened our trailer door before meeting & guess who was playing ball with the kids!? NICK! It is really really special when you can see a direct answer in front of you, to prayer. I love it! I hope it encourages you my reader friends, to pray without ceasing.
778- thankful for 2 dollar a pound cherries ( we are in complete cherry obsession over here, although we learned a few tough lessons that they are not super friendly when eaten in bulk;) especially for Hudbud!
779- thankful for selfless Christian friends who truly love us like family & gave us a key to their house all week for us to use wifi, do laundry and for kids to play with tons of inside space.
780- thankful for awesome inlaws who encourage us .... pretty much non stop!

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