Happy June!!
*Thankful that this is... Harrison's last full week of school.
*Thankful that the pool guy is outside right now, pool is nearly drained, and new liner is ready to be installed & water should be swimmable in a couple days!!!
*Thankful that we get to celebrate Harrison's 9th birthday, a few weeks early, this Thursday with friends!
*Thankful that Esther, Rebekah, Hannah & I had a safe day trip to Iowa
*Thankful for a massive box of books from a good friend- Harrison loves loves loves to read, and has really enjoyed the Sugar Creek Gang movies, now he has sets of the books! Too cool!
*Thankful for a fun family day Saturday ( I heart weekends!!!)
*Thankful for an awesome fan club miles away in AZ. Pepere we love you! (Harrison rocked outfield on Saturday and nailed some hits for RBI's too- we love watching him learn & grow. He got game ball Friday night for having the best attitude. Since this is an area that we work on with him ( he is not a good loser... personal disclaimer, Matt & I aren't either, so we know we have to continually grow too so we can live out what we preach!!), we were very proud of him. He has a huge heart, and is fiercely competitive.

*Thankful for fun teacher gift ideas on Pintrest for Harrison's fab teacher Mrs Iwanenko... ok so I had my cute idea with Nail Salon GC and purple polish ( her fave color) and some cute tag about her "painting" harrison's life etc... but THEN... looky what I saw next-
(Totally making fun of pintrest ideas LOL and spot for GC.... GENIUS! :)) Gotta love some sarcasm in your day. )
*Thankful for Ann Voskamp's ( the author of my fave book 1,000 gifts) website/blog: A Holy Experience. Such an encouragement. ( One of my fave posts this week was on her 40 yr old brother's wedding- so made me have some hope with my brother too ... he has 6 years til 4-0, so its not totally impossible ;))
*Thankful for a very relaxing pedi date- with me myself & I :) Polka dot crazy!
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