I invite you, my amazing reader, to also begin some sort of Thankful Thought time.
What a wonderful way to be truly thankful in ALL circumstances.
*Awesome encouragement from Wisdom Hunters: "We celebrate life when we show our gratitude for the Lord’s blessings. We take the time to honor God for His bounteous provision and healing.
Mary understood how to celebrate the gift of life. She took her best--her all, and gave it to Jesus. Her glee and gratitude could not be contained for her brother Lazarus was alive, raised by God. Without inhibition and in the face of fierce criticism from a family member, she lavished her love on the Lord. The death and resurrection of Lazarus became the harbinger of her symbolic anointing of Jesus for His burial. A celebration of life points to the giver of life; Jesus Christ.
“They celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness” (Psalm 145:7).*
750- Thankful for sunny days & ice cream treats
( Trader Joe's has mini choc dipped ice cream on cones. Seriously itty bitty. 2 bites. Adorable & super for portion controlled yummi-ness & perfectly kid sized.)
(Normally in AZ, I was not nearly as thankful for sunny heat as I clearly should have been. This winter here did us in!)
751- Thankful for a wonderfully behaved Sunday School class today & for Hannah reciting to Harrison what she learned today. Pretty cute to hear her retell it. ( today was lesson #5, about 5 Loaves of Bread & 2 Fishes feeding the 5,000 people) The most amazing part of this story, for me, was the leftovers! 12 baskets!? That is pretty amazing. I needed this story for my own personal life during this week too. I love how God shows His provision to us.
752- Thankful for leftover party junk food. Yum.
753- Thankful for Harrison's 9th Birthday Party = Super Fun!
754- Thankful for some fun new "toys" to create memories with. I love the bond Matt & Harrison have. It truly is beautiful & from today's world stand point, very rare. Matt takes a lot of time to ensure he and Harrison get quality date time.
755- Thankful that our WA trip is only 6 days away!
756- Thankful to have an official 4th grader in our house :)
1st Day of 3rd Grade at Palos West, Dec 2013
757- Thankful for my mom & Ray. As interesting as it is to see 65 years old "date", it's such a blessing that they are good friends. No one deserves to be lonely, especially during their older ages, so seeing the joy and love when they are together, is very special.
758- Thankful for Mom & Ray and their muscles! We had talked about some redecorating- yet didn't want to totally transform my mom's house.... Try & follow this :) Dustin sleeps on an Extra Long twin bed in the basement and has a matching twin bed next to him too for clothes etc. Our kids sleep upstairs on an awesomely comfy mattress. Our mattress is comfy, but our platform bed is no bueno for my back. So after a brief discussion, they totally surprised us and had it nearly done when we got home last night. Kids have twin beds. We have the kids old bed set with amazing mattress. Dustin has our mattress & has no issue w/mattress and his back. The two of them did ALL the moving of mattresses and beds!! Wow.
759- Thankful for Father's Day cards by Papyrus. They are insanely amazingly crafted & perfectly worded.
Every Father's Day I shed some quiet tears as I choose out June's card, and Matt's. I really want to buy a Papa card from our kids to my dad and a Dad from Daughter card... yet can't. I know I should be thankful that my dad is in Heaven, and who cares about Father's Day gifts compared to bliss .... but still....

760- Thankful for Vital Check, a company that robs you blind, yet delivers necessary documents aka birth certificates, in 2 days!
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