Happy Monday!!
Happy Dance time for Ann Voskamp coming to Moody in 3 days!!!! YES!! This girl is peacin outta work & will be there ready for our selfie !! (Dreaming!)
Thankful that another week came and went ... lots of full days, exhausted nights & FUN on the weekend!! WELCOME FEBRUARY😍

Science Fair Fun! Bubbles!
Love all the Lulu pics!
Thankful for friends who pop over during their work visits!
Thankful for Nurse Hannah helping a stubbed toe 😅
Thankful for Lifetime's indoor swim time! 3 kids swam, 1 napped. Bliss.
She woke up... it was warm inside, but perfect conditions to help her congestion!
Oh Ann Voskamp you are inspiring!! Love this.
Thankful for friends who have a non shedding doggy for us to love on! ( By us, I mean the kids, I am still not a dog fan, but clearly Lulu IS!!! That face!!)
Thankful for the same friends hosting us for a SuperBowl night! It was a fun game to watch, awesome teams, and easier to be calm since our fave team wasn't playing. But thank you Hulu ad for letting us know Brady isn't going anywhere 😆
Thankful for this verse. Leaning into the truth as best as possible. Lots to burden, distract, worry about... but He is faithful... and will give Strength!
Nurse Hannah's getup is cracking me UP. 😂 Also, Lulu's face at the dog is probably the cutest thing ever. And I LOVE the quote about doing more things that make you forget to check your phone. YES.