These memes are exactly how our weekend was....

But in all that, we are thankful for Shipt delivering the much needs meds and thermometer and gatorades at 10pm on Saturday night, however Hudson's 104 degree fever did not budge, due to him not keeping meds down... so Matt went on a hunt for additional meds (even though he was also sick!) ... never thought to look for suppository's as a method? But thankfully, the cool towels, prayers and love must have brought those numbers down because I was not ready for those 😩, slowly but surely and he is still feverish today but nothing that high!
Thankful for this scripture plan, please don't be fooled, I am still working on the end of January's! But the kids are on point! 🙌

Thankful for attending Moody's Founder week on Thursday! The morning was extra rough. Like Satan was just throwing every dart to make this day NOT happen. But... we made it... Harrison joined me... and it was literally a glimpse of Heaven... so awesome to have sung, listened and worshiped with the many there.
And we had to revisit the yummy Centennial for lunch!
Snow and cookies? Yes please!
Coolest wall art ever!
Early pickup on that day for the kiddos, so we could sled! Let's make the best of the white stuff right?
Thankful for my teammate planning the best trips at just the perfect time! Last week we NEEDED a trip Friday for sure... and Disney on Ice was just Epic! Always is!
With everyone sick, ice cream was supper Friday night. Dead serious. And somehow all the ice cream is red tagged this time of year too? So I stocked UP! This one made Hannah and my day! That color changing spoon tho!
When he sleeps all day, you know he is OUT. Poor buddy.
More sledding fun!
Thankful that this chica is healthy! Keep smilin' sis, you sure are killin us now that you climb to the stairs! 😍
Give this a listen!

Oh girl, so sorry about the sickness!! It's so awful when they have crazy high temperatures. Praying Hudson and Matt are feeling better and that the rest of you will be spared! 🙏🏼 Thankful you still managed to get away and have an incredible morning with Harrison. And I'm totally with you- loving how much the kiddos are enjoying the snow. 💙