The end of the year fun is totally here ! 👊
Kicking off the week was Hudson's Spring Assembly! I had no idea it was "graduation" style, so when he walked in with his grad headband, the tears came! 🙈 Let's just blame that on my hormones and not the crazy oh my word how is my littlest dude this handsome and grown craziness 😏
They walked in to Bob Dylan's "Forever Young" 😭 & in true Hudson form, he walked nicely for as long as he could then he skipped. He is always skipping. The joy he has is beautiful & I want to capture every moment of it! 💛
That same day - these proofs came home! Yes we will order them! Love how they could take sibling pics at school!
Soccer! Big H is out there somewhere!
Messy Hair, Don't Care!
Lifetime, we Love you.
Hannah's Chicago project was due today, Monday.
We have visited the museum, we have researched it, the last thing left was to create the speech and make the cake model!
My dad always was on deck to help us with our school projects and I don't remember him every lecturing us or giving us a hard time- but I totally was DONE Sunday night! This was entirely way too much... but a power point presentation is just NOT how Hannah rolls... sigh.. thankfully she was ok that it stayed white, even though the frosting spray we got said it was Grey... the lions oh these lions... of course Dollar Tree has every other species of the the animal kingdom...except Lions... so now we have $15 green spray painted lions... but in all fairness they transformed this White House looking cake into the Iconic Art Institute... so we're all good 😁
Also, our Toby Mac in training Big H came up with Hannah's rhyme! Since she shares my lack of joy for public presentations, we thought saying a catchy poem would be way more fun than a speech and take less time too!
Big H for the come thru 👍! Nailed all the key parts of the Art Institute! And we know that Hannah will nail her actual presentation of it too! #teameffort
Thankful for Mimi's endless patience & guidance. Hannah is all about hands on everything... and Mimi has endless hands on projects that of course she would love an 8 year old's help with 😏 Besides a worm on her shovel, she was a happy digger and planter!
Thankful for Old Navy's cute ways of getting the whole fam to match! Clearly Matt & Harrison are over the matchy matchy stuff- sigh- but I will take us 4 to the next level baby! Gone Bananas! 😝
Thankful for Hudson's end of year ABC countdown! Letter N! Nature Walk!
Thankful for a dental milestone... Hudson, with certain sensory things is a little over the top- we finally nailed hair cuts... and now the dentist... all the Praise Hands for this amazing, close to home, dentist that is ALL ABOUT sensory mindfulness! Yes he has an estimated $800 of work that needs to be done, but he left there ... skipping & happy ( and excited for his Target bribe)! Success! 👊
So, I am totally anti surprise... not sure why... except I love planning and knowing all things, so letting go of that and letting others surprise me seems crazy!? However... it happened... and I survived & was totally blessed by the thoughtfulness of my coworkers. 💛
Miss Williams Bey ( my fab Kinder teammate) was on medical leave all week & is out all this week as well, yet still planned this adorable Aloha themed gig & came to party with me! 💛
And... who stays after school willingly... on a Friday... no one ever right!? So seeing this crew just makes my heart burst. Their gift of presence and time was so thoughtful. 💛
Thankful for Hudson's new to him Hudson Iowa shirt courtesy of our Iowa friends!
Congrats to our pal, Pablo! He graduated with his Masters from Wheaton College! A few of us gathered to celebrate his success!!👏We said it would be a simple picnic.... yet the friends that came know how to bring food ... so it was a little over the top and beyond yummy!
Loving these verses.
And this song. 💛

Hudson's graduation and those sibling school pics are SO CUTE!
ReplyDeleteAwesome job on the cake! I'm sure that was hard work- but love that the school project became a family event with everyone contributing their expertise!
I'm 100% with you on surprises...but that was a cute shower!