The week began with Matt on fire from his NJ weekend & wanting to keep the spiritual momentum going- so we planned for a weekend getaway to Iowa. This was the schedule we were excitedly awaiting!
Officer Friendly came to our room during Career Day!
Thank you Target's Dollar Spot for this cuteness. I have it right over our sink in the class, so I look at it often.
Thankful for Beccy's Birthday and her love of surprises!
I love seeing his progress!
Road Trip!!
Hannah is such a great big sis and adores reading to Hudson. I adore seeing Hudson ASK for story time instead of tech time!
Hudson loved this gas station!
Conference selfie!
Bathroom Selfie with the speaker!
Cutest little readers ever.
Braden & Harrison reunited again!
Punchin' it out
Hannah LOVED Misty!
Thankful that he can literally snuggle and snooze anywhere. Praying lil sis follows in his footsteps!!
I spy my Granny in this ancient pic!
Happy Mother's Day!
When your hosts have pretty trees, you take pics :)
Bumpdate pic! just 3 Mondays left until we get to see our Princess!!!!!!
The excitement of finding the letter Y stick.
When we pulled off to find Starbucks, we had no idea we would find a random yet award winning Pho Place! Spicy Noodle Pho with meatball and brisket for us both! YUM.
Thankful for my creative friend Lacey ( on insta @LaceysLettering) who had whipped this print up for her friend and sold me one too!
Thankful for Amazon packages arriving while we were away.... and my 1 splurge for this baby is this incredibly gorgeous Dock a Tot.
Thankful for our travel system being ready to go!! This is what I decided on- based on color, height and practicality. I love that adjustable handle & massive storage space! Our Petunia bag matches perfectly & the darker color will hopefully resist messes!
Miss my fun Quinny - bright pink and orange from Hannah- but it was SO impractical....
and got oh so dirty so quickly... but ohhh those colors!

Hope you had a great Mother's Day! Cannot believe how quickly your due date is approaching!