10 different beds, in 15 days. All of which were actually really comfy! But still.... nothing like our own!
We left right after work Friday 12-21, and drove until Matt couldn't anymore (and side note, he is ahhhmazing for being the solo driver on all our road trips)
Sun rise at our 1st hotel stop
First stop in AZ, our fave sushi spot! Which we went to 3 times, and took out also.
Seriously couldn't get enough!
Butterfield's! Another fave! But for breakfast!
Get us in the sun!😎 We loved our initial few nights at Hilton Tapatio! Highly recommend!
The best $25 ever spent. This floatie was their best friend in the pool for 3 days!
I love when Harrison makes cool verses and shares them!
Christmas Eve at Matt's parents!
Gracie, the future Olympic Gymnast!
We had just found out the gender on Thursday before we left for AZ and managed to hold in the surprise from the Heberts and the public....and the cake lady was able to semi understand my idea for the cake and did a great last minute job!
Christmas Morning, Breakfast date!
And one of the few places open... Sprinkles ATM!
Mini Christmas Hike
After a delish meal served by my mother in law, park date!
Gracie braved the cold and joined us pool side !
Harrison was able to connect with Zachary & Ryan!
Desert Ridge! A super fun outdoor mall, but BRRRR!!!! We ditched the shopping for Dave and Busters!
V E G A S !
This was the part of the trip that I had booked & we will leave the resort planning to the hubs foreva!
I was so excited about the extra cheap rooms, and the clowns and the reviews made Circus Circus seem fun and family friendly. Gross. Gross and more gross. The kids did get to play for a bit at the cool Adventure Dome, but peace out! Venetian and all things glam to the rescue!!!
This room was our all time favorite.
At 8 dollars for 1 scoop, Sloan's, we might not have agreed that you were world famous ;) Although the gummy bears inside the cotton candy ice cream were a yummy surprise!
Hudson in his little nest, doing Yoga
4D Movie of the Polar Express at the end of the Wax Museum
Stocking up on warm clothes! I packed nada for 40 degrees!
My fear of escalators still exists, especially the huge ones in Vegas! Elevators only please!
He is such a good sleeper, thank you Lord! He is always the one without the cozy bed in our hotel stays and loves the nests we create.
Back in AZ! Biltmore!
Back again!
Loved the Biltmore's service! No towels poolside, left the kiddos freezing! One complaint made, and boom hot chocolate and an apology note!?! Too much! Loved it!
I take my job of tucking the kids in a little too seriously😏
Our mini teenager
I'm sure every waiter loved that we dismantled the creamer display!
This sandwich was incredible!
Dry Bar date!
waiting an hour in the van was like ......
Poolside again and dying! Brrrrr!!
Matt & Matt!
In & Out Burger!
NYE at the Cheesecake Factory with the fam!
Dessert to go! Yum!
Our trek home began... 1/1/19... with heavy hearts as we had heard tragic news about our dear friend's son just days before....
Trying to soak up scripture to help our heavy hearts & to give peace as we had 25 hours ahead of us... and in terrible weather... none of which helped this already overly paranoid momma
Really!? In Arizona!?
No joke. No street showed at all. This was our drive for over an hour at 35 mph... Dying...
Then we got to New Mexico, world's longest state... and liked the white stuff as we drove, since it was very safe travel conditions.... until night fall... worst ever... thankfully we pulled off when we did... the news the next morning reported 87 crashes.
Hudson got this dog, Max, for Christmas. He really really wants a real dog, not happening for a long time, so this has to do. He really missed him on our trip, so sweet of Mimi to send us pictures :)
Thank you random gas stations for having healthy lunches!
Friday 1/4: Grandpa Rays!
Thank you all the stores in Kansas City for getting us Visitation and Funeral Ready! traveling lite did not pay off this trip!
Oh sweet sweet Hudson Hayes. What a handsome young man. Safe in the arms of Jesus, yet in our finite minds, entirely too soon. Prayers for his family would be much appreciated.

Nearly home...
Only 9 work days until our next long weekend ... but who's counting ;)
Looks like a fun trip! So many great memories. That snow on the drive home, though- crazy! Glad you guys made it out of that safely.