Happy New Year from my cutest class. Thank you Aldi for your class set of 2019 party gear for $1. (And our two kiddos who were blessed with no school Monday after break.)
Thankful for a patient and sacrificial Mimi, who gives up her free time to share memories with our kids and on this day... Big H, who is over playing with 5 year olds all day :)Mall date and Cinnabon!
And bless my mom's brave, good sport self for going public like a jack o lantern! Her implant date is quickly approaching. I think we will miss giving her grief over it ;)
Hudson and his neighbor friend waiting for the bus
Thankful for a nail date to help us ease back into the work week grind.
This is our current project. Maybe next Christmas we will heed the age appropriateness 😒
Thankful for cute inspo for me to think about! Loving the 2nd tri and I forget sweet baby H is growing inside! Level 2 Ultra Sound next Monday, so I will get confirmation that she is a she. Still doubtful... 🙈
This boy is all sorts of adorable and yes I missed Fusion with the most intense game of Spoons EVER... insert all the pity party for momma here ;), butttt we both got some early to bed zzzs and lots of love.
Thankful to wake up to... SNOW!! How fun to get a pretty dusting!
So excited to play outside!
Cutest snowlady you ever did see!
Thankful for the gift that keeps giving! Mimi's horse lesson gift from over 2 years ago is still active! Hannah loved riding Monty!
3 wake ups & then a 3 day weekend!

Obsessed with this song. Reckless Love
Love all the cute ideas for baby H! Hope today's ultrasound goes well. 😊 Hudson and his dog are just the sweetest little duo.💙