I'm ready for you Fall!
Thankful for a new fave tune: Ceasefire by King & Country
Listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1-l0awKd8k
Thankful for an exhausting, yet incredible week of prepping and planning! Matt has 33 6th graders and I have 17 ( we all know that number will nearly double by end of the 1st week, but here's to dreaming!)
Thankful for this on the go lunch!
Thankful for Home Depot's on the way to school location! Mr Hebert got fully stocked with a mini forest!
Thankful for my awesome co-workers.
I love doing "Snuggle Buggle" time during silent reading, and each kiddo needs their own snuggle guy. Buying 35 snuggle guys gets pricey, with the other bazillion items needed, but ask and you shall receive! Walked in one morning to find this! Thank you Mrs Hernandez!
Thankful for this adorable idea sent to me from my old partner in crime. Here's to hoping I get some sort of mention in the cash prizes! #competitivemuch
Thankful for our kiddo's help this week... Matt felt the pressure, as he just gained access to his room Tuesday, had all day meetings all day but Friday. So that one day, on the top floor, made his day busy and hectic. I kid you not, those steps are deadly! Good fit for him, tho! He's crazy and excited by the daily workout? Only Matt. ππ And the teacher before him, bless her sweet heart, but did hand written labels everywhere. I just couldn't.
The reward for our hard work Friday night.... Nancy's!!
Saturday, they let him back in, thank you lord. We could do a few more hours of sorting and getting things just right... I learned that he is a neat freak ( already kinda knew this, but his precision to bulletin boards had me just looking the other way and smh! Just deal with the crinkles love! ) π
We love that his school follows CHAMPS. we loved using it in Hawaii!
In the middle of those 2 cool plants is the neon glow fish tank!
I have always wanted one, but Matt gets it 1st and if the fish live, I will get one too!
His school is ALL about the cute stuff. The bulletin boards are all burlap and adorable.
Thankful that we had bailed on our fun Iowa trip, although we really wanted to go, we knew a weekend at home could be really useful.
We had no idea that Matt would need til 8pm on Friday in his class nor the whole morning there Saturday.
We also had no idea that Hudson's respiratory stuff would flare up!
At the exact point of complete exhaustion... our Friday night fun once kids go to bed, was listening to Hudsie and keeping a watchful eye on his breathing.
10:30 rolled around, and it was the take him in or not decision as Urgent Care closes at midnight... he then puked, took a long bath and I just sat and held him.
His breathing wasn't as labored, so we made the decision to wait until morning. The night was hard and tiring and made us really appreciate his normally healthy self.
Sunday was hard, because he was getting worse, but meds couldn't come til 10am. Thankfully it all worked out and we saved the doctors visit.
Longs Drug in Hawaii is connected to CVS and provided us a nebulizer and steroids. Finally around 5pm he was talking again.
And now today, he is literally back to square one of healthy and happy with some raspiness.

Hannah and her gem butterfly!
Mom Daughter Nail Date!
Thankful for some fast Amazon shipping and a few hours of freedom to prep for fun mornings!
My mom has the great ππ responsibility to get all three kids off to the bus each morning.
Harrison and Hannah are pretty self sufficient, so that's easy.
Hudson is a whole other ball o wax. He has 35 minutes solo before he gets on the bus, so here we go! Mimi and Me mini stations.
The first week he gets to just open each "item" ranging from Magnatiles and Pop the Pig game, and play with Mimi.
The next week I hope he can get into the dice part- roll a dice and get that bin. Trial and error baby, here we go!
Thankful for Technology Rocks Seriously : Click the link below
Prayer for Teachers and for Kids

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