Thankful for fun ELA centers and for an amazing class that handles centers so efficiently!
Thankful for soccer time and sunset skies
Thankful for that hope of the heavenly reunion! The sky at the cemetery was just incredible.
Thankful for soccer Saturdays.
Here come da boyz. And my Dunks! 👍
Hudson & Cooper!
Mimi & Hannah
Get it son!
And you too!
Mimi is such a good sport!
We needed a BDubs night/// And yes we hammered those wings.
Hannah modeling another Tessa skirt!! And my mom's new paint! The house was under construction this week and looks so updated and fresh! New hallway paint. New chandelier and new bathroom color! My pink bathroom dreams have come true ;)
Thankful for Sunday Funday time!
Thankful for Monday being PJ day for Hannah and a perfect weather day for bright chalk!
Thankful for yummy cookies baked with love for my class! Love ya Sher!
Heard this portion this morning, a little heavier this week during Revelation readings, but really exciting to know that the Lamb will conquer... and to hear all about Heaven .. Working hard to stay focused eternally! Last week was a blur of too much worldy stuff... here's to a new week

Praying for you guys and for sweet little Hudson...not an easy road for sure! But you are doing amazing!! ❤️