and I want to lay a few of them out there, maybe some of my list is what is holding you back from serving in the place and the position you can and are in now?
I hope it encourages you ❤
Our house is small.
Our house is far from decorated. A few random things hang here and there & that's it.
Our house has no AC. And it's hot. 90 degrees today.
Our house has sand. Even after 4 swiffer pads.
Our house has hardly any seating. Fo reals. Who has time to lug folding chairs from friends houses and back each month?!
Our house has dirt and weeds for the yard. And broken down cars in the lot behind it, that seem to make their appearance in every picture outside (SIGH)
Our support staff is small. As in sometimes ... just 2 adults.
Oriental Trading won't include Hawaii for their free shipping, so I can't even buy from them without spending too crazy much... their shipping and speeds are not my fave, and Amazon totally lacks in craftivities.
Can we really afford to spend that amount each month even with Matt not working?
Who wants to spend more time with their teacher? Will they even come?

But it hit me hard, after our amazing friend from school, the janitor Annette, stopped by Friday to give us a random financial blessing....
She was like " I got extra money and God put you on my heart".
With that, in a stapled piece of paper envelope, no fancy frills, she heard from God, and gave.
It most def brought tears to my eyes & blew my mind on so many levels.
The timing? Impeccable, as always.
God has been so incredibly crazy faithful, and we need to shout that from the mountains
(or from this crazy island!! via blog!!)
It was a huge heaven hug ...
So ... simply put... we hear from God to share His love, and we do it ( James 1:22)
We don't do it like my Pintrest mind would love to. Sigh.....Wishing I had Hobby Lobby and Oriental Trading to call on in a pinch- but...
we have a Faithful, omnipotent God, watching, protecting, providing and saving souls - maybe even in Waianae that same night!
we have each other
we have a desire to build friendships with the community here
we have random activities
we have easy to clean floors
we have energy and smiles ( thank you Starbucks for your help in this! )
we have food
And that. That is enough to bring kids together to craft, eat, play, & laugh.
The love.
The laughs.
The overly loud convos
The full floor of criss crossed applesauce kiddos, eating simple grilled meal, with dabbing poses & full mouths....
left us all with full hearts. ❤

No seats? No fancy frills? No problem! ❤❤

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