That's the week in a nutshell- with a few joyful moments for sure- but strangely those are overshadowed sometimes with the harder moments.
This week we found clarity to solidify plans to move back to the mainland. The paper that had been sitting on my desk for a month, to submit my separation of service was signed. We will be separated in miles but not in heart. Ma'ili family will hold a huge place in our hearts.
More of that in a May blog post.
June 4- WA - is our next step- can not wait to get our glamping on in the new to me RV that the Hoys so sweetly share & to see those sweet sweet Okanogan saints... and ...and.. and the list goes on....
(prayers for the Tent Meetings with Matt and Tom, and the week of VBS and Teen work are super needed and appreciated!), Lord willing & then onward east to IL.

This week we lost a dear believer in WA. She was entirely too young, but she is rejoicing in Heaven. That seems to be the only consolation right now and yes that IS amazing and perfect, but so hard to understand and fathom on so many levels.
This week we heard some heart breaking news that seemed to leave us gasping for air and just forced us to pray for the body of Christ. When one falls, we all feel the effect. We hurt together. We bear each other's burdens. It made us wake up yet again to understand how broken we all are and the need to build each other up in many different ways.
I have teared up at all the wrong times this week, I wish that I could do better with not internalizing issues when we hear about them. Matt and I have this issue together. We hear, we bear and we can't let go and leave it at the Cross. Our hearts just ache and ache some more.

Thankful that we have each other.
Thankful that our 1st real middle school "thing" of "girl issues" was minimal. It might have made me spit my coffee out one morning.... but Harrison bless his too big for his britches heart, asked a girl out. Nonchalantly told Hannah. Hannah, bless her little sister status heart of always tattling, brought it up.
Thankfully coffee wasn't flowing fast yet and my normally over reactive self was calm. Praise Jesus. It's week 2 of this and it's over. The girl's older sister tattled on her, and her parents said Nope.
Thank you Lord.
Now I feel slightly more ready for the next issue.... The Legos of parenthood... step by step brick building 101...
Thankful for Hudson overcoming some of his behavioral issues and being recognized with the "Citizenship Award" for 3rd quarter in PreK.
Thankful for seeing Hannah channel her determination in positive ways, such as mastering deeper swimming in the ocean and trying and trying to climb higher each day on the slippery aqua rock wall.
Thankful for Hannah's all girl personality when it comes to makeup. I love that Sephora gives free mini makeovers. Normally Hannah loves doing her own thing- but this time she wanted "it done". So she suggested mermaid or unicorn colors- and amazingly enough of course Sephora has a Unicorn makeup section... and the rainbow brush made it to my birthday wish list. Can't even.
Thankful for Auntie treating us to Pieology. Normally we pop in to eat sushi on Friday's with Matt serving us- but Auntie wanted the kids to be happy :) So pizza it was. She is over the top with our kids and we love love love it.
Thankful for cloudy weekend days and movie marathons, all together. It seems crazy that we can even be inside- when we live here in such beauty- but the home time is essential for us all to regroup and refresh.
Thankful for getting ready for this Friday's April Edition of Fellowship Friday. Invited my class again and their older siblings, as well as some of Hannah's classmates. Excited to see who comes & how we do with some Earth Day ideas! Dirt and worms seems like a perfect and easy dessert.... but the earth day glitter slime has me on mixed emotions...

Yes, lots of heartache last week. 😔 So thankful for a God who is still in control, even when our minds can't make sense of it all.
ReplyDeleteWill be praying for you and what the future may hold! Although I'll be missing getting my Ko Olina fixes through your posts, I will be happy to know you're closer. 😉
Seriously ... such a Hope .... 🙏🏼❤️
DeleteYess!!!KoOlina is so good. Will soak in up & share sunny pics 😊🌞
😘 Hebert’s invading Greene , coming soon 💁🏼♀️🤙🏼
Always enjoy your blog Alison. It sure is a hard time right now. Praying for you all as you return from beautiful Hawaii!
ReplyDeleteAww thanks!! 💗😘
DeleteMuch love 💕