Multitude Monday comin' at ya from Waianae, Hawaii!
So beyond thankful for the Lord watching over every single step of our trip. From before we even left, til we touched town in Honolulu, until we settled in our new home & we know He will go ahead of us every single day here as well. Thank you Jesus.

So, tonight I am hooked up to Matt's hotspot, so that I can type... I have missed blogging, and reading other blogs, but wifi is coming! Holla!!
Thankful that we were able to get bumped outta our 1st flight segment, and given a much shorter travel day on Tuesday July 25th. We enjoyed a Hill supper at a local pizza place the night before, near our airport hotel, so that our initial 8am flight time could be met with ease... we were able to enjoy that room until 1pm on the 25th, and flew the 1st segment of our trip to SEA. Alaska Air we love you. Although they were STICKLERS with our baggage weight & every single bag, times 9 ( as one bag was Matty's guitar), was well over 50 pounds. Insert all the "yeah I know, lady we tried our best" pity faces, but to no avail. We had to open them all and get them down to the correct weight, which was annoying but we did it! And the lady, seeing a few heavy bibles in there, gave us 2 free checked bags!
So we get on our flight... free wifi, thank you TMobile, for the 1st hour, and free amazing movies once we downloaded the airlines app. Hudson was a dream. Asleep before we took off. Hannah was equally a dream, snuggled with her blanket on the window right away. These ages are PERFECTION for travel!!!
Landed in SEA, had a couple minutes to regroup, before boarding our flight to HNL!
It was bedtime for the kids, and after another movie and a few snacks, we all snuggled in together for the flight over the ocean. I thought I may panic at this one, but I was too tired to even care. {Flying in the dark, over the ocean seems eery!? But God let me snooze til about 30 minutes til landing!}
Arriving in HNL, Matt's connection from the local Bible Church, where Matt was thinking of working as Principal, graciously picked us up. His wife and I and the kiddos journeyed with some bags and he and Pastor Jeff journeyed in our Jetta ( that had arrived safely and HUGE kudos to the Bakers to juggling their sched to get our car there for us!)
We passed Dunkin as we pulled outta the airport and I just smiled. Yes Lord. you got EVERY single detail! Man! As silly as it may sound, those little familiar place details were just what my heart needed and still needs!
We were blessed by a full fridge and a clean, safe, adorable house to call our home for a month. We are planning to move to our Maipalaoa Rd addy in September ( all our mail goes there safely now though :))
Today is Monday 7-31-17. We have been Oahu residents for 6 days. We have all had our TB tests { mandatory for school registration}, whether or not you heard one or 2 of the kids screaming from the mainland, could be possible ;), all three kids have had some sort of bite from something in a beach along the way { we have tried to visit a beach a day}, Hudson's was the worst today, and was told it was most likely a water mite ( gross and ouch). We have enjoyed family devotions, game time and just US time in huge doses, and it feels like we are US again... a fully functional fam of five. And that is such a craazyy happy blessing!
We are thankful for the warm reception by the believers here. We packed the hall Sunday with like 15 of us. It was amazing singing! So much so, we needed a hymn sing that night to keep it going! So powerful! Heaven's hymn sing is awaiting & we can not even begin to fathom it!
We are thankful that our friends from AZ were here on vacay!
We are thankful that our friend from WA flew out here, to minister to her brother and sis in law, who live ONE MILE AWAY from us... this crazy that God worked THAT timing and location out!
We are thankful for the way our kiddos just adore this place. Hudson has his doubts and misses "his brown house". I miss it some too. The ants and geckos that have come in our home are not what we had envisioned, but I have taken some stress out on both of these species and have eliminated at least 2 geckos ( those moving tails tho are totally crazy gross!) .
We are so thankful for prayers. We know we have amazing friends, everywhere, praying for us.
Please pray with us as I begin work ( tomorrow, Aug 1), and for our kids as they transition to new schools. Hannah & I are already planning our lunch dates at school & she just beams :) We are excited to be schooling together! I met Miss Suzie Lee, my new principal, and although we miss Doc from Wadsworth like CRAY CRAY, Miss Lee is LEGIT & will take great care of us all. The grade level budget and funds and support are already blowing my mind for the better and so we just know... God's got us...
We are thankful for the Baker fam & for their kiddos, who make our 3 feel right at home. We are envisioning so many fun dates together!
We are thankful for the beach dates with the Sluiter's and for running into a guy, named Isaac at their gate. He wanted to give our kids shells. and when we offered him money, he wouldn't take it. ( at first haha). And who did we see today, a block away from our own house? Yup! Isaac! So we are excited at the prospect and ease of creating relationships.
*If we want to discover new lands, we've got to lose sight of the shore. We've got to leave the Land of Familiarity behind. We've got to sail past the predictable. And when we do, we develop a spiritual hunger for the unprecedented and lose our appetite for the habitual* ( All In, Mark Batterson)
Aloha Love to you all
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