Happy Anniversary to Us!
13 years and counting on many many more!
Thankful this week for God helping Matt through a heart scare. Waking up one morning to him in severe pain is not the best way to begin the day.... yes I may be tough love and not dramatic over hurts and bumps and bruises, but heart issues are like - stop pronto and get it figured it out...
Matt is not as urgent, but did go to ER eventually :) And I might have lost my emotions when someone at work asked my how my day was going... which then allowed me a "get out of work free card" for the afternoon, to be all together in the ER room :)
Thankful that his incident was not heart related, but sternum related. Still unsure as to the cause? But we are thankful he is okay, and that insurance was still active from IL, and our copay was 0! Wahooooo!
Thankful for Pizza Hut, the favorite local pizza joint! Costco is our next fave, but it's a little too far to be called local.
Thankful for an easy Open House! Unlike our IL Curriculum Nights, Open House is an informal meet and greet. No presentation needed, just smile and be nice - even to all the siblings who tried to fit in the teepee ;)
Thankful for the 2 street commute, and that sunset view after Open House. We love our proximity to school. We are praying that our landlord ( the pastor at a church 2 houses down), and good friend of Matt, will allow us to rent it for the school year. The purpose of the house is to be a place for the Church's school admin to stay, but as of now, that position is vacant, and although it appealed to Matt, he is going in a different direction for work. But the proximity to work is ideal for our Community Outreach ideas. The space in the house is perfectly laid out as well. As soon as we hear a yay or nay, we will outfit it in Hebert style! It may be harder on momma to be in limbo with other people's furniture than I thought! And our Target purchases, are just sitting in the boxes, waiting to jump out and deco!
Thankful that Matt began training for subbing here. The sub salary is significantly more than we were used to, and the flexibility is amazing. We were so thankful how much my Principal has helped Matt get into the right training group etc and provided a letter of rec. Such a blessing! Training for subbing here is 5 full days and he was charged a fee! This sort of extensive training is new to us, and we are excited for the opportunities ahead! Even cooler is the anticipated Student Teaching he can do here at my school, in January!
Thankful for beachy shops with fun signs.
In hopes of getting our kids on a more Eat In lifestyle ( since it's super hot in the house - supper time often calls for something SUPER low key i.e no oven or we eat out) But the menu she created seems low key and with items we can cook with ease :) I especially am excited for Saturday's :)
When the siblings are not getting along the finest, getting them involved in jobs works well for us all! Harrison loved washing our car ( seems like this will be a great go- to activity!) and Hannah loves swiffering!
Thankful for technology. Thankful for my fam who sends many texts and many pics - making the many miles seem short!
Thankful to have a friend at church who owns a sushi spot!
We went to visit & she treated us to literally SO MUCH sushi. We left feeling beyond grateful to be part of God's family. The love she had for us and for our kids was immense. Our language barrier is strong, but the love barrier is none. She is a true Auntie to us here and we are so thankful!
( insert all the hooray hands here, as he isn't big on raw fish ;))
Thankful for the ocean. Thankful for how many hymns and verses we know that reference the ocean or sea... in the form of waves, or the sounds of mighty waters... and when we stand by the waves, or sit by the beach, we can have a minute or 2 of devotional thoughts before someone is yelling Mooooom ;)
Jeremiah 5:22
'Do you not fear Me?' declares the LORD 'Do you not tremble in My presence? For I have placed the sand as a boundary for the sea, An eternal decree, so it cannot cross over it. Though the waves toss, yet they cannot prevail; Though they roar, yet they cannot cross over it.
Thankful for our long weekend. Friday was a state holiday here for Statehood Day.
The colors of this bag just said :Take a picture:
Reason 200 why we love KoOlina's Lagoons.... no waves, so Hannah can boogey board in safety ;) She is very cautious with the water, which we love, but are excited for her to experience a little deeper water
Our clouds looks so puffy!
I might have made the kids walk a mile to the Aulani snack shop-
1- we needed to workout 2- they wanted food, so it felt like a Two- For - One :)
After Saturday's training for Matt, we drove to Waikiki for the Zoo's twilight tour, We loved the rainbow that my phone barely captured! We ended up skipping the zoo, and getting our anniversary dinner early, at Cheesecake Factory. This place always delivers the BEST experience!
Hudson loves his nap ... clearly even
So crazy that you can walk to the Aulani Resort! When our kiddos are old enough to handle a big old flight, that place is first on my list. You looked beautiful on open house night!