Thankful this week for................
710- An awesome awesome 3 day visit with Memere & Gracie. Memere will most definitely need a spa week or something to recoup from being Super Grandma her w.h.o.l.e visit!
711- During her visit, I was able to escape and get appointments & shopping done!
712- Loved seeing Gracie's expressions and total Hebert personality. She is so petite but SO full of life. Her and Hannah are peas in a pod... full of love most of the time but when that sassy switch flips- watch out world ;)
713- Chuck E Cheese- this place stays as cool now as it was when I was a kid- but seems safer with these smart child safe stamps and gate keeper lady ...Harrison was like Mom why are you using all my tokens- OOPS ;) I too love tickets and games equally as much. The basketball game is this mama's fave :)
714- Encouragement:
(This comes from Wisdom Hunters)"Therefore moms, seek Jesus with a humble heart on behalf of your children. Ask the Lord to educate your child in lessons of becoming the least, so He can use them the most. God blesses your beautiful example of serving others to teach and motivate your sons and daughters to serve others. A servant of Christ is the greatest position in God’s Kingdom. So mom, ask the Lord in prayer for your little ones to grow in joyful obedience to Him. Yes, suffering may precede your child’s success. What man manipulates does not last, but what God initiates is eternally blessed. "
“I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him” (1 Samuel 1:27).
715- the Zoo!
716- Green....Spring has totally sprung and I never knew how red and brown Arizona truly was, until I look around as we drive home into the Forest Preserve area, and all the leaves are budding and things are growing, and all shades of green. It's so pretty.
717- Fun friends to share Mother's day lunch with & pretty awesome hubby/brother chef team who whipped up some delish desserts.... Costco style ;)
718-Lifetime's Challenge is over... I am not leaving weigh out with the 10,000 bucks, as the Grand Prize Winner, but I am happy with the progress and excited to continue for many more months ;) ( just as a side note- I talked to the winner of the Fall Challenge, and she lost 60 pounds in 90 days... I asked her her tricks ( which I knew- noo magic just good food and good workouts- but such a boring answer lol) but wanted to hear them from her... she fasts every day until 2pm ( WHAAATT?!) and she hits the gym 6 days a week, twice each day 2-3 hrs each time ( that totals 6 hrs a DAY for 6 days!). She has no coffee ( BOO) and her food eating seemed cleaner than clean ( Wow, nope- I soooo did not want it THAT bad, but maybe someday!? ;))
719- Nathan Corduan... Harrison had a major research project about the United Center, one way to display what he learned was with an ivideo- who better to help.... Nathan! Thankful for his time & promptness. It turned out perfectly :)
720- interview done! What a fun morning! The interview was via Skype, but at the W Hotel downtown Chicago. I was one of 2 chicago-ans, the rest flew in from all over to attend the interview. Mia & I hit it off right away- which turned kinda loud, and attracted a few others to join our convo, pretty soon the whole room was a buzz, and we all left as BFF's! So cool :) Stay tuned to see if God opens the door to... Abu Dhabi! Should find out by Friday :)

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