Happy Monday :)
700- Thankful this week that my mother in law and niece Gracie are headed our way for 3 days! This is really a blessing, as one -Hannah asks about Memere EVERY DAY and two, we are excited to continue our relationship building with Grace. Hannah and Jovette's bond is really special, and breaks our hearts as to the distance we now have in between us. Facetime can only do so much! This is a surprise, and it is KILLING me not to share it! We are thankful too that this is a time when my mom is away, so that our kids will have special solo bonding time with Memere.
701- Thankful that Harrison is capturing the Baseball spirit. He pitched a couple innings the last 2 games. I might have had a heart attack both times ( He has not practiced that position often, and now that we are in the "official" each game counts on the record time, ensuring strike outs is really key!) God gave him help. Seriously no other explanation. He had a confidence that was just awesome. He was on the mound chomping on his Big league Chew and wiping sweat from his brow like a pro. It was funny. He did very very well & hit and stole even better! Thankful to the sweet mom at the game who promised Harrison Big League Chew every game after that... Saturday she brought the 1st pouch... so thoughtful!
702- Thankful that Hannah has been a WAY better sleeper. ( I know in previous posts I shared incentives and so on....) She stays in her room all night. She is an early bird. I think she can sense when coffee is made. I am seriously in stealth mode at 545 as I adore my silent, devotion time. Lately she is been up before 7... we are going to steal an idea from a family who I used to bbsit for... kids can not leave their room except for potty breaks, until 7am. Love it! I found a cool alarm clock with digits in rainbow color & now we get to ingrain a 7 in our sweet early bird's brain :)
703- Thankful for Dustin's consideration of others and of our kids when they are sleeping. He also is an early bird and is also in stealth mode. Its really neat to see how he helps and wants our kids best interests.
704- Thankful for bath time! Hudson is a fishy now ( thankful he outgrew his dislike for aqua!) The squeaky clean smell after is so yummy.
705- Thankful for Hannah's ballet recital. They "danced" to a swan lake song. Super sweet ( I am rejoicing that our kids can nap again at 11:30- instead of after ballet at 1:15! :))
706- Thankful for Bath and Body Works awesome deals! I love the car scents, and right now it's buy 3 get 1 free. Look at how cute our car's are accessorized now ;) And ohh the smell. Yum.
707- 1st Sunday of Sunday School class is done and went amazing. I prayed with great expectation, I am loving the "prayer circle" idea from Mark Batterson... God has answered VERY specific things that I have been "circling", and its really encouraging. I went with a center format for their activity ( not sure if I am the only mom who tosses every craft that comes home!? I save one or two in a plastic tub, but the rest get recycled, and with our SS, headcount is uncertain- so craft prep is tricky- so I eliminated it :)), so after the story of the week and the song that matched, they were divided into groups. I LOVED this because as they were all actively engaged - I could go next to each one and review the main points. I knew that all 17 kiddos grasped or could at least retell the info for the day. My learning moment was that I was overly ambitious and thought they would 1) know their number that I had written with washable marker on their hand, and 2) would understand how to rotate instead of just attacking their fav center ;) So next week it will be tweaked. We did the best with the small space :)
Our reading and stuffed friend station is MIA from pictures, and was the least loved- so I may add a playdough station next week.
708- Thankful for Costco... their meat is always tops & their produce is amazing. Our fridge is full ( another thankful item!) and it's mostly organic and natural... so we better get cooking and eating :) The cupboards and pantry are not full! ( That seems like a good goal to have, bc if they can last in the pantry what are they made of?!)
709- 25 more wake ups for Harrison's school year! Continue to pray with us and for regarding next year. We seriously have no clue what God's plans are for us... but we are enjoying the present and are trying to stay focused on that.
710- Thankful that I was chosen as a chaperone for Harrison's field trip- to go downtown chicago and ride a trolley through the city. AMAZING. Can not wait. Maybe I can convince them to stop at Garrett's popcorn :) That is a MUST see Mr Trolley Man :)
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