March is here! That must mean some warmer temps are headed our way. I adore spring. Could be because Hudson's birthday... the big Numero Uno... is in this season and mine too... :) Yay for birthdays!!
601- Thankful for a fun painting date -
602- Thankful that we could have another exciting date to pick up the pottery 4 days later :)
603- What chases away winter blues? Getting Ranger Rick in the Mail! Thanks Memere for a great Xmas gift that keeps giving :) (PS Harrison is our man of many faces ;))
604- Mani date with Hannah- and an amazing find at Gapkids clearance bin...97 cents later, she has perfectly stuck on sticker nails :)
605- Scooter has been earned!! This was a V.E.R.Y big deal and she rode around the house in a high pitched joyous sound "This is the best day ever". She is allowed to ride it inside as long as no walls get crashed into...Yay for awesome sleep habits.
(On a side note, after researching her drinking habits, and her obsession for sippys at all hours of the night, we went cold turkey one nap time...thinking/knowing that sugar in milk is bad for teeth and bad for sleep...and the comfort she finds in a sippy needs to be diminished... so when she wakes up to an empty sippy she can self soothe... She gets ice water in my fancy water bottle and no milk at bed ever. I think this has worked wonders and I know her dentist will thank me :))
PS I loved this tidbit from a devotional:"It is reassuring to know you co-parent with God to pull off this impossible task of parenting. You cannot do it by yourself, but with your heavenly Father, all things are possible." (Wisdom Hunters Daily Devotional)
606- Healthier habits for our kids... thankful this week that after 3+ weeks of stomach aches, and after seeing the pediatrician ... we both concluded that school lunches may be to blame.. weird right? Not really when somedays are "mystery" sandwhiches! Harrison loves the novelty of getting a bought lunch & I did too as a kiddo so we totally understood :)- and had for the past... 3 weeks!! So last week was a trial run of made lunch (which I adore doing actually!!) and each day- no tummy issues. Woot woot!! Sad for all the other kiddo's digestive tracks tho! Yikes.
607- Thankful for a small mini biz of selling stuff on Ebay... follow me! Crayonsandcupcakes is my id :) I love shopping, and I love digging at goodwills and salvation army...but my kids can only wear so much stuff- then what? Sell it! I love reselling stuff I bought for pennies - stuff my kids actually used- then resell for way more... that's amazing. But last week I went to Salvation Army (way cheaper than Goodwill btw) and I was kidfree (thanks to amazing naps and an amazing dad) and I was able to dig for stuff not necessarily my kids sizes... Brand new Gymbo stuff! Polo stuff! AF stuff!! Almost all my auctions start at .99 and I adore seeing the last hour bidding frenzy :):)
608- Thankful that our adorable little neice Gracie is home sweet home with her dad and Memere & Pepere.
We are all VERY excited to see her in 13 days! (JUST 13!!! YAY!!) And Hannah is over the moon that she has a "girl cousin". Family means so much to her- its so so precious. I love seeing her mind connect the family dots.
609- Thankful for two phone calls this week...that got us thinking & praying.
Both from different schools in the city (of chicago) needing a teacher ( for 6 vacant March!?- weird right?) The 1st school I said no instantly because the simple logistics of our kids means I am a stay at home mama..... The next day I got another call - So then we thought it over... I am interviewing Monday. Demographics are exactly who I love teaching...underprivileged kiddos...99.8% African American...98.1% Low Income. Melt my heart. Maybe some even live at PGM where we help? Maybe I can be a light there? These 1st graders have had NO real teacher since Xmas. Really!? That's insanity. I know that even in my shot 3 week maternity leave with ONE sub- there was a transition... Pray that if its the right place for me- that the Lord opens the job door AND the MASSIVE childcare door... We have a house nearby we are looking into as well, and it's available ASAP. It has been available since November- and we loved it then, and love it now. And the price has dropped. We have a person in mind to be a live in nanny- but the Job door 1st ... then house door... then live in nanny is a done deal :)Wow. So much to bring to our Mighty Counselor!! Prayer Warriors Unite for us :)
610- Thankful for the start of Spanish lessons with a friend from church and the SAME tutor I had back in college! Hannah is starting Spanish this week - yay for Dora's good example :) (this is just one of several activities that would have to go if I worked though.... )
I hope you had a FAB week & are excited for awesome God things to happen in MARCH!
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