Today is March 27 & Hudson Frederick...Hudsey...Hudbud...Hudson Hornet... is O*N*E!
This year has not sped by like it felt the other two kiddo's 1st year did - partly because we were in motion ALOT & I was home to savor each day & not working, like with Harrison & Hannah. So blessed to be able to reflect on his awesome year in our family!
He is such a sweety. Like...SUCH. Delicious chubby cheeks & such a new goofy scrunched up nose smile XOXO
Hudson's 1st Year Included lots of awesome 1sts!
Easter Sunday at 3 days old
Mom's 30th Bday at 1 month old
Auntie Paula visiting in AZ
Mimi visiting in AZ
Airplane trip to WA state in June, at 3 months
Celebrating Harrison's 8th Bday
Camping time in WA in a trailer
Celebrating Hannah's 3rd Bday
Road trip from AZ to IL
Meeting Uncle Dustin
Road trip from IL to FL & back
World Series, with our team winning!! Go Red Sox
Sand in mouth
Road trip from IL to MA & back
Meeting Anita
Meeting Auntie Jacki & Uncle Glenn
Meeting lots of friends and family @ a funeral
Airplane ride to AZ
Bathroom game time on that above airplane ride ;)
Lots of sounds! Love his squeal when he is excited!
Lots of yummy foods: Avocado, Munchkins, Whole Milk, Apple Juice, Green Beans, Carrots, Applesauce, Pudding, Spaghettios, Spaghetti, Lasagna, Toast, Pizza, Cheese, French Fries, Sweet Potatoes, Gogurt
6 teeth ( with the cutest gap in the middle )
Mom's graduation
Playing with cousin Gracie
Meeting friends from AZ church, Sammy, Makayla & Grayson
Phx Zoo
5 steps on March 23, and a couple each day since. 3 steps today before nap
His name is very special - with lots of meaning, and we pray that he will live a meaningful life for the Lord. We pray that he will grow in "wisdom and stature" and will accept Christ at an early age.
**Hudson's Bubble Update- surgery scheduled for Thur April 3** Prayers super appreciated :) :)
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