Tomorrow is APRIL FOOLS DAY.... Harrison has his trick gum ready for school & I need to put mustard in a few toothpaste tubes after bedtime... but then that's it... I hope you get some good laughs tomorrow :)
650- Thankful that we have health insurance
651- Thankful that the above health insurance covered Matt's urgent care visit today and that he now knows what has been keeping him bed ridden... Mono... :( Meds are here... lots of honey & tea & LOTS of rest.
652- Thankful that health insurance provides another physical exam for Hudson. He needed another one before surgery Thursday- he JUST had one the end of Feb, but that didn't cut it. Crazy docs!
653- Thankful that Uncle Dustin was around to celebrate Hudson's 1st Birthday. All these celebrations are super exciting now that we have Uncle with us too
654- Thankful for Headbandz - such a fun game for Family Game night
655- Thankful that we created a dedicated meal and game night. Monday nights and occasional Friday nights are eat at the table, all together, and then play together. Dustin's schedule is super crazy - but we get Mondays together!
656- Thankful that Hudson took his 2 shots today like a champ! Surgery should be a breeze?!! Pray please!!
657- Thankful that we had normal Spring temps today! In the 50s! Shorts! Flip flops! We over did it, all the true Chicago peeps were still bundled up!! Yuck. Go away sweaters!
658- Thankful that we get to see our neighbors - everyone hibernates here- but today all the boys got to ride bikes & play ball... exactly what Harrison loves!
659- Thankful that I get to be a Preschool Sunday School teacher... in May...Hannah is excited & I am too. Very. Curriculum & craft time! Yay for pintrest :)
660- Thankful for doors that closed. (A perfect older house was for sale, at the perfect price, blocks from school, so Harrison wouldn't change schools. It had A BUNCH of fix up projects - but I feel ready for that kinda stuff- and after being on the market ONE day, it sold!! I love the clarity that the Lord gives. Door totally shut. So praying about what to do for next school year.)