Tomorrow, a long stretch of road awaits, and we ask all of you prayer warriors to pray that the snow is kept back and that the winter storm Dion does not interfere with us getting home and back on routine. Oh that awesome R word. Looking forward to home sweet home with a fun hotel stop in between :)
480- Family. A funeral brings so many loved ones together.
481- the Boston accent! Has cracked us up our whole trip.
482- the insane love of Dunkin out here & new fun cups and ornaments at the Boston locations that we don't get in IL or AZ
483- Anita. An awesome friend and former employer :) She was my 1st employer at age 12! I babysat for her two kids, one passed away tragically at 14, in a train/bike crash :( very very sad.... and her daughter sweet Marian is away at school. We are thankful that 18 years later and a few miles in between, we are still connected. She was our hostess with the mostess this trip.
484-Family. I love my aunts out here! It has been such a blessing for our children to get to know them better and for Matt & I to connect with them and their spouses. Very special memories were made on this trip & we are so thankful.
485- A discussion with Harrison about school. Although he reconnected with his 2nd cousins this weekend, who are also homeschooled, he is excited to go meet the Principal and teacher this week when we get back, Lord Willing. Pray for us in this choice. I wonder if I will be one of those crazy volunteer moms that I was driven to insanity by when I taught?! Hope not :)
486- reconnecting with friends at a bible conference - challenging and encouraging ministry was provided. One message on Tongues, and how such a small member of the body can ignite such a big fire if we let it- was really a good one to mediate on -
487- a new job opportunity for Matt
488- 16 days until the Merriest Day!
489- Harrison's amazing short term memory. He creamed us at Memory tonight!
490- Sleep- such a little word that really makes a huge difference, and this weekend we have lacked sleep- so I am thankful to anticipate routine! One piece of that sleep deprived puzzle is that all 3 kids have really nasty coughs, that they so lovingly shared to each other :) So one night it was Hannah up all night, then Harrison and now little man has a nasty nasty cough. We are praying to make it home in 1 piece and not to be overly dramatic (aka avoid the Dr) :)
Pictures will come once home :)
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