500-510! Multitude Monday strikes again during the happiest time of the year!
500- Thankful for....The sparkle of the lights..
501-...the joy of the kids as they watch their stockings fill up each day
502- & the road rage that crazy people show! It makes me laugh sometimes, because everyone knows driving by the mall or by big stores will be slow - so you would hope they'd all take extra patience pills that morning, but no such luck. This time of year is a great time to be a good example of Christ's joy & patience. (Not saying I model that perfectly AT ALL, but I do the best I can :))
503- Family movies from my dad's old school camcorder transformed on DVDs from Costco- so so cool to relive memories from 1991!! So special to see lots of family members on there that are in Heaven now.
504- Early Christmas presents from my hunny! My love language is not gifts, but one early gift was Crossfit type sessions at Lifetime- I start Friday !!:)
505-Nap time. Now that Harrison is in school, coordinating Hannah & Hudson to nap from 12-3 is simply beautiful! I really cherish the down time- although putting Hannah to bed could my highlight. I tell her one made up story each day, and she always asks if the princess in the story is her- which it is of course- and she smiles and closes her eyes, and I can envision her dreaming about some prince (probably daddy) as she sleeps.
506- Harrison is home for 2 weeks! Matt is off for 1 of those weeks! I am off school for those 2 weeks too! So party it up over here!
507-a new Pandora station- Opera Trance- best of both for a great workout beat
508- a tulle dress for me for Xmas dinner! (Thanks Jules :))
509-Sugar cookies & messy frosting dates with the kiddos
510- Xmas dinner ordered...no cooking...going Italian... and dessert will be fresh cannoli & lots of my mom's cookies and my fave- strawberry rhubarb Pie! Can. Not. Wait.
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