We have been blessed by amazing days of swimming, schooling and beaching (tanning for mama :)) and even more amazing sunsets each night. Our Creator creates masterpieces each night for us to enjoy, and we are truly enjoying His handiwork while here. These are days that I can wake up early and read solo, listening to the crashing waves on the shore- and wanting to walk on the golden shore with my Saviour. What will it be like?!
Being here in FL is sentimental too, as this is where my mom was when she got The Call. The Call that rocked my world. The Call that was a true wake up call to serve the Lord & changed Matt & my life in SO many ways. The Call that showed how final and real death is. The Call that my dad had passed into Glory. He had just left the condo here a few days earlier and my mom was here over seeing the finishing touches on the kitchen remodel. We hadnt been here together as a family since Harrison's 2nd birthday, and this condo was our family getaway every Christmas for years. So as I get some quiet time - as rare as it is- I enjoy it. I reflect over the many volleyball games my dad and I played in, or the beach walks where he would enjoy Harrison chasing the seagulls. But my favorite memory of my dad here - besides our awesome Christmas mornings, was Disney World for Harrison's 2nd birthday. He was such a patient and hands on Papa, and treasured time with Harrison. As we walked into Pirates of the Caribean today, there was the trash barrel. The trash barrel that my dad starting drumming so that Harrison could be entertained for a little during the insane wait. My dad just knew. He had that nack. Such a silly thing- but so special. Be encouraged, on a side note, that those small moments in your life or the small times you do something for others, really means way more than you think :) I miss him like crazy. So, those golden shores? Come Lord Come!
Our hearts have been driven back to reality with death, as my mom got a text that her neighbor Michelle passed away. Breast cancer won. She is gone. We have no hope of her eternal peace and hope. We are just so sad. Death is so real. So final. Make each day count. Make the mundane seem extra ordinary. This is the ONLY chance we have to live for Him. "Only one life twill soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last"
Please pray for Dan- Michelle's husband. Simone, their sophmore in college daughter & Andre- who is a junior in High School. Losing a loved one is NEVER easy- no matter the age- but these critical teen years - the heart break is so overwhelming.
Here are some recents pics. (Disclaimer, thanks to a good friends board on pintrest, I found some cheap rainy day life savers like trash bags instead of 8.50 disney ponchos :) Possibly no tackier moment ever, BUT we were semi- dry and $50 bucks richer :) We knew it was supposed to rain today in Disney and Matt & I had the BEST date in the rain- here at Disney- back in the day, so we wanted to relive that- with no lines no waiting no crowds etc, and we almost got that exact thing, but with 3 kids in tow and one very meltable Hudson who is still an AZ baby and did NOT like rain AT ALL :) So even though we did walk right on to ALL the rides (AMAZING!!) Hudson was not feeling all that happy in the happiest place on earth :) The rain stopped mid-day, and it was perfect. And we left with two kiddos in the stroller zzzing and the rest of us with smiles.
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