430- Coconut Oreo Ice Cream
Seriously the best combo yet!
431- Trip down memory lane every time we go to John's Pass and Candy Kitchen. Loved coming to FL each Xmas with my parents and our friends & love sharing my childhood memories with our kids! They have their mama's sweet tooth! (Oops!)
432- Seagulls stealing donuts
Hannah was done with her donut. She nibbles all the frosting off, then the bottom half is trash- soo we threw it and literally it was caught mid air! Those sea gulls must really run on Dunkin too :)
433- Reading 1,000 Gifts, on the deck, coffee in hand, waves crashing, kids sleeping, sun is rising. I will finish this book this trip & begin another great read by John MacArthur.
434- Homeschooling. This week we have been thankful for our flexibility. Harrison is still unsure of what option he wants- but he has time, and so do we. In the mean time- we are pushing full steam ahead with the current curriculum & excited to watch the Lord direct us. It was interesting to get a very encouraging email from a fellow homeschool mom, whom we havent met, but wants to connect as she has a 3rd grade son too, once we get back to IL. She provided info for an Art and Music Class, which would be great! A couple friends from the church here in Tampa are Harrison's age, so a playdate with them & new friends his age at the pool here, have been such a blessing!
435- Pediatricians. Hudson had thrush and a crazy nasty diaper rash. After taking him to 2 clinics that couldnt see him- we found a wonderful fast Dr office close by the beach. She gave him some meds, and thrush is gone, and the diaper rash is getting better!
436- Red Sox won the World Series- IN FENWAY! Hasn't happened in Fenway, since 1918!!!!
437- Red Sox T Shirts that came as a love gift in the mail from east coast fam
438- Trick or Treating Condo style. Go down to the Ground level on the elevator. Ride it up to floor 2. Ring bell. Yell trick treat to Mimi :) repeat. repeat. repeat & then do a candy hunt in the condo :) Matt's not into Halloween at all, sad for this dress up lovin' mama- so we compromise, candy needs to happen, but agree that the world has really made Halloween extra wicked and gross, and we need to take a stand and be the light.
439- Watching pelicans scoop their breakfast & watching seagulls that resemble dive bombers
440- Thanksgiving is coming!!!!! This one is super meaningful. We will all be around the same dinner table. My dad will be watching, all smiles, in Heaven.
Here are a couple favorite lines from Ann Voskamp's 1,000 Gifts
" Thanks-giving might literally become thanks-living"
"Our happiness comes not in the having but in the handing over. Give your life away in exchange for many lives, give away your blessings to multiply blessings, give away so that many might increase- and do it all for the love of God"
"Spend the whole of your one wild and beautiful life investing in many lives"
Be a blessing today!
Enjoyed your comments and pics. Cade has been pushing Makayla around in her walker too. It keeps her very entertained. :) FL looks great - glad you're having a good time. Love to you all. xo