Our littlest love turned 1.
This year was crazy fast at the beginning when we had long commutes and full days ... but beyond thankful that it slowed WAY down and we got to soak up March-June with our baby and witness all the amazing milestones, first hand! The most exciting part was her walking, way ahead of schedule! The second best part is her sleep schedule and the third best part is her spunk sass and sweetness.
She is such a trip, we can't EVEN with her and yes I use that phrase probably way too much, but it is SO true with her. CANT EVEN get over her... her lashes.. her curly locks... her scrunchy nosed smile, her smirk, her squeals when Hudson chases her, her squeals when we say no and take away the remote. Her little licks of food and then her head shakes of no and her toothy smile.
Some of her faves...
She still loves her bottles, and has been on milk since 11 months and loves it.
In true Hebert form she loves Gerber snacks and dislikes foods that are messy, squishy or have any texture at all. She loves gogurt and applesauce though! She is not a fan of food! She would much rather chew on a doll foot or a stuffed bears nose!
She loves her car seat and loves road trips. She loves love loves stroller rides. She loves reading books and loves being read to.
She loves her paci and loves her piggy paci wubbanub that is only in her crib.
She loves naptime and bedtime ( smart child right!?) She literally laughs and snuggles like she is going to do a head stand every time she goes in her crib.
She is not a water baby, and we pray that changes! AZ summer will be a hot one for her if no pool in her future! She is brave and will do crazy things, like grab the bill of a pet duck or try to stand on her head?!
She is loved on in big ways from everyone and it especially warms our hearts when Harrison plays with her and calls her his little munchkin. We love how close Hudson has gotten with her. His prayer on her birthday was "Thank you for Lulu's 1st birthday , she is just so adorable" and he is obsessed with her and are so looking forward to the years ahead.
We love every dynamic of watching the sisters... and we are beyond biased but we think everyone needs a Hannah in their life! Her heart for others and to help is just too much. I literally couldn't do it without her! We often talk about the future and where Hannah and Lulu will go together on road trips and vacay and it just warms my heart... We pray for their love to just multiply every day!
Each day is truly a gift and our time together is truly a gift. Here are some pictures. I had to celebrate big even though it was just our Hebert fam for our gathering, and I loved the pictures. I loved planning for it and I loved loved loved the mini party on zoom.
SO thankful for our friends & family to share in celebrating, even though miles apart!
Lulu Piper, we are obsessed with you. Your sweet disposition, yet your perfectly stubborn side, and your kissable cheeks are everything. You have blessed us this year in so many ways.
We are so excited to watch you grow, baby girl! God has big plans for you & we know He will watch over you in this crazy world!
Rise and Shine Birthday Girl! Ready for our morning Dunkin stroll! 6-4-2020
Birthday gifts!
Birthday pool date with the ducks!
6.5.2020 Getting her zoom area ready! See, our fuschia bedding DOES serve a good purpose!
Gangsta style
Loving her new ball pit!
Her lemon smash cake was ready!
Matt surprised me and made a little slide show with You are my sunshine song playing... and we got to watch that before the zoom party!
Lulu Piper 😍
The beautiful "main" cake in case the smash cake was really smashed ( although we knew it wouldnt be!!)
Loved this supper. Loved having all the Heberts at the table!
Uncle Mark
Facetime with my Auntie Mo in Cali
The inside! Yum!
The cookie tho! Such a sweet surprise!
For the zoom party i said to BYOcake... and these adorable girls DID!
Enjoy being 1, little Lulu! XO

Adorable party for an adorable princess! Happy 1st birthday sweet Lulu!