Thankful this week...
for healthy happy Heberts! Costco time!
for taking big brother's room for the night while he was at a sleepover!
for a new hobby! scorpion hunting! They come out at night, and are visible under a black light. Hudson Harrison and Matt enjoy this bonding time, Hannah and I are not quite on board yet! They kill the scorpions on the spot with a torch, so there is never any harm!? But still not the best before bed activity for us girls!
for helpers with yard work!
for guest speakers at a local online church! Lysa you were so inspirational!
for a new plant! We needed something to help make this back cement slab look more like the paradise it is! One plant at a time...
for these beauts! they are real apparently! Kaleidoscope roses! But instead of 80 bucks, here's a free pic and they will last forever on the screen
for creative mother's day brunch! Pink Omelette Bagel Thin Face with extra Bacon. All. the . hearts. And it all the yummies too.
singing car drives! We love singing in the car, it beats hearing any whining or sibling squabbles, so AC full blast, music full blast, with either sing or take a nap as your options, you sing :) We are still obsessed with Simon K's version of I wonder as I wander!
listen here
our 1st mothers day with Jovette in years! So fun to be together!
Sundae time! Cutie pie niece Gracie
Sherbet lover Hudson!
for businesses slowly reopening, making life seem more "normal" again
Hudson got a haircut, after a 2 + hour online wait time! It was stressful, the face mask thing is annoying in all honesty, itchy hair goes in his face and mouth, the mask falls off his nose, the hair dresser waits for it to be adjusted before she touches his hair again! So, for now we will wait for other services for the kids, Harrison is somehow dying to see the ortho! But we will take it slow. Loved that he told the hair lady " I wish I had no hair" She's like "Oh yeah"? He's like " yeah like my grandpa". Oh Grandpa Ray that bald head is so inspiring you know? We told Grandpa Ray... and he told Hudson he better keep his hair or all the girls may not chase him anymore 😂
for happy mail for Hannah! She loves getting cards back from her penpals!
for noticing qualities during quarantine.
Harrison : athlete & awesome cleaner
Hannah : attentive to Lulu in every single way & crafty
Hudson: creative & charming
Lulu: adorably curious
Matty: hardworking & incredible multitasker
for our awesome admin. It was a different kind of teacher appreciation week last week... yet we felt the love. We got Dunkin giftcards and a Donut themed zoom dance party!
for sweet new neighbors. not sure why I'm not a fan of people knocking at our front door? But maybe because it rarely happens or it's a knock and drop by Amazon, so I blow it off. Anyways, Saturday night before Mother's Day, our sweet neighbor is at the front door, masked, with a cute Mother's Day gift!
reading plans with Harrison. Love this version of this verse!
"A life energetic and blazing with holiness"
Wow. Let that be our prayer all day err day.
my morning coffee stroll buddy. she sleeps amazingly yet wakes up at 6! So to keep the peace for the other sleepers, I take her to Dunkin. The Dunkin is .2 miles away, and then we can stroll by the lake and look at the ducks and turtles. I love that she is starting to be excited by things like birds and ducks and munchkins ;)
new ways of maintaining structure and sanity! Love learning from other momma's, and Jill posted about lists and how well they work for her and her kiddos, although I am not a list kinda gal, I needed a plan so I wasn't checking about the same chore or task each day 300000 times a day. Started with donuts WITH the list to help aid in it's success..
Hannah in all her Hannah-ness, is obsessed. She's like mom I want a list every morning. Of course you do. Harrison checks his items off before he is done with them- like an intent to complete kinda list guy. Hudson loves the list and wants some of the other kid's chores on his list. Ok, didn't think it would work THAT well, but hey let's go with it! To each their own!
workouts from home that are short n sweet n sweaty n successful ... and they are a couple and semi modest, so we can do them as a whole fam.
{If I'm in the mood to sweat and cry inside about my abs burning with 4 others watching!}
Here's the link
Current Mood ...

Ok, I'm most definitely with you and Hannah on the scorpion hunting. 😳 I would imagine them crawling all over me for the rest of the night!
ReplyDeleteYour plant and lights look so summery and perfect.
I'm envious of those early morning walks to dunkin with sweet little Lulu. 😘
I love how you identified positive qualities about each family member during all this togetherness....and documented it! ❤️
So happy the lists are working so well! I just love how it doesn't take much to get these kiddos excited and motivated. 😊