Happy Tuesday!
Hoping everyone had a wonderful and warm and safe and healthy long weekend!
Thankful this week for :
our dreamer. You know that Dr Seuss quote about being You?

She is true to herself and I hope she stays this innocent and kind and creative for ever. She said it was Tie Dye Tuesday, and although someone might have questioned her before our public outing like "oh wow is that even a real day"? We all said yes it IS a real day, because why not? The joy this girl shows, is so genuine and beautiful and baby girl aint noone goin' to steal your sparkle.. or tie dye days...
Thankful this week that even though these sunnies stay on for a whole 2 seconds, they are so presh! If your baby keeps their sunnies on, please share the tip!
Thankful for - Caution Tape removed courts! Let the games begin!
and Fro Yo for Lunch!
Thankful for veggies
And banana splits
and a patient, in shape dad who can inspire our youngest biker! On Hudson's daily list- there is that ever daunting "Bike Ride". Often met with a not so happy response by both he and I, but we try it daily and today was the day I was psyched up, he was psyched up, it was hot, but Lulu was napping and we were going to dig deep and persevere ( trying to really throw all the positive growth mindset words in there!) Then Matt came home from his long bike ride with Big H... and it was heavenly timing. My patience meter was in the negatives and I couldn't breathe and we didn't have a bike rider yet. Insert all the praise hands for marrying someone that is for sure my better half. His cool calm and collected self is so legit.
thankful for this face.
and this friends is why we dont go on video 90% during church zoom, This is the backstory.
thankful for hair help! I might have had a covid hair crisis. I was one of those "let's try something new" kinda quarantine people and threw a box of LOreal color in my hair! It was my 1st time ever using a dye like that.. .and the results were not at all how I was envisioning. Obviously, how will a $7 box get me that $200 vibe. Really. Anywho... thankfully the sun helped but it was still orange, not platinum and I'm not a hair trimmer so my raggedy ends were a HOT mess... we are in a new state without my fave hair lady from Lifetime.. but help came... and the hair girl was a "blonde specialist" who even knew that was a thing!? And she sure did re-earn that qualification after rescuing my hair! It was a LONG time in that salon ... but sigh... love it... in every single way.. And please learn from my mistake, no box colors unless you know what you're doing ;)
thankful for Pei Wei reopening! Their bowls are AHMAZING . And thankful for dates out with Big H.
thankful for Goodwill.... we have scored some cool toys for the kiddos and this basket of Transformers was the latest find!
Saturday yummies!
Reptile visits!
Biking and hiking!
That view!
Razor Scooter rentals!
This was EVERYTHING. Fave picture. I had just put Lulu to bed.. and came out to this... Saturday night, cereal for supper, everyone self served, everyone smiling, eating, watching and quiet.. I'm like don't move a muscle this has to get recorded! I love it! It can happen! Maybe cereal for supper needs to be a more frequent event!
thankful for Sunday zoom calls!
but I am still not able to master the attention part during all the zooms ( and we zoom for 2 services on Sunday so its a LONG morning!) and I have the perfect distraction
thankful for Offer Up- how am I just learning about this?! It's like a home yard sale service. That cool bench is a headboard attached to a bench. $20. So fun right!? And I was thinking about painting it but for now we all love the gray! So it will stay! And 4 people can fit on one side! #winning
thankful for Harrison's athletic stamina! He keeps up with the big guys, besides the cactus sticking his foot!
thankful for the men and women who served and are serving for our Country's freedom!
thankful for my father in law's birthday! We love a reason to celebrate!
thankful for .. yes you guessed it.. another sunset stroll and ducks!
and that face ...
thankful oh so thankful for this book... it is speaking LOUDLY to my heart... and I am recommending it with all I've got!!
The latest underlined phrase was: "As our teens exhibit unbecoming behaviors and attitudes, it would serve us well to remember that fear and anxiety often present themselves as defensiveness, sarcasm, control, unkindness. When these characteristics are present, it is not a call for us to expose, lash back, ignore or lecture but rather a call to love." Pg 72
Mood :