Thankful today for the overwhelming Birthday love! So.VERY. thankful.
37th year was kicked OFF!
Hands rolls for lunch... yesss
Movie setup!Love the little touches!
Team Girl
All settled and ready for Trolls 2!
Big boys bailed and did a lake workout.
Thankful for small businesses.
Thankful for another healthy week! I got a mask finally, from the sweet cashier at Walmart. She had a cloth one, and Walmart gives them fresh masks and gloves during their daily temp check before working! Oh and let's be excited by the toilet paper I got that visit too, but it was guarded by a cop! #canteven Like just get a case every time you shop... and you should be ok? I can't wait for talk show hosts to uncover WHY people hoard TP... well and other things.. so maybe it's just way deeper issues...

Thankful for friends to have semi quarentined dates with.
Thankful for those hard "let's be intentional" chats. Working from home has its perks let me tell you! However, it felt like work never shut off for either of us last week! This week we are sticking to our "office hours" and being okay with that!
Day 1 of not checking emails or parent texts since hours are over = Success!

Thankful for PE every day! We love getting out for bike rides, scooter and strolls and duck feeding!
Thankful for heat and sun!
Thankful for a new to us Youtube musician. Not only is his voice AHMAZING- the theatricals are very inspiring too.
We were so in awe of that song and the story, we read it with the fam & it was pin drop quiet.
Thankful for bedtime. Because as much as I adore our munchkins and the funny and smart and crazy things they say and do... we all need some social distance for a 8-10 hours.

Thankful for internet getting installed this week. Game changer.

Outdoor movie night looked like so much fun! Glad you had a great quarantine birthday. 💝Love all your outdoor activities!