Thankful that Harrison enjoyed & survived his 1st wrestling meet!
Thankful for another opportunity to be at PGM on Thanksgiving.
Thankful to spend the evening with tasty desserts, fun friends and loud games.
Thankful for our sleeping beauty,
Thankful for the glow & sparkle that the holiday lights bring!
Thankful for a fun night to get to know our neighbors!
Thankful for our Santa Baby
Trying to capture that one little toof
Thankful for Sunday napa by the cozy tree
Thankful for an amazing boss who provides endless flexibility for our family duties. Today was Hudson's IEP review, of course right smack in the middle of the work day, an hour away!
We are rejoicing in every single gain he has made this year & after Winter break he will add another subject to his Gen Ed time! Keep moving forward buddy! We are so incredibly proud of you! Even if you literally just asked your hair lady : "Do you like eggs?" ( She said Ummm yep!) Then you said: "Do you like green eggs? (Not sure, never tried them) "Do you like Green Eggs and Ham"? Thank you for making us all laugh. Too cute.
Thankful to have a jam packed week ahead... knowing each day is a gift & to live intentionally in the moment ... even in those moments where you want to throw up the white flag ( like our drive to church when the kids were all being extra)
in other news (I am off Insta again for a minute... Harrison's wrestling coach shared a powerfully motivating speech a couple weeks ago... and to help practice what he preached about social media.. I signed off... for now ;))
AND yes there are just 3 weeks until break!
Way to go Hudson! Such awesome progress. And way to go Mom and Dad, for doing what you need to do and giving him the best opportunities to keep moving forward. Also, I still just cannot even handle Lulu. 😍