All smiles... thinking wistfully that a baby girl would join us that day...
The beginning of the clear liquid only diet.... so far so good...
Just waiting ....
Hopeful... but spoiler alert... she didn't come when Margee was on duty... or Jenn... but Sam... she was the magic nurse :)
Thankfully I brought some random To Dos... this passed some time :)
And having the kiddos stop by for snacks and cartoons passed some more time.... still no sister!
Tuesday June 4
Hannah had her last day of school... wearing her new dress from Sherri.
Showing off her report card!
And then we crashed.
Fast forward... to 10:50pm... Honolulu Piper Jean Tongsun Hebert's arrival!
40 hours of waiting... and digging deep to not be worried ... as this was by far our longest wait on any of our inductions.. hearing her steady heart beat was constantly reassuring... and trying to really rely on the words

12 pushes & we met. Love at 1st sight.
Our teeniest yet ... weighing 6 pounds 9 ounces, and oh so vocal.
As soon as we knew it was a girl, Hannah & I knew she would be named Honolulu. Matt needed a little convincing, but having the coldest & grayest winter, and us always wishing we were back in Oahu, helped him realize this little sunshine's name was just perfect... and the nickname Lulu is just too cute for words! And props to big sis for keeping it top secret for 9 months!
We are big fans of John Piper, and really really love his one book in particular "Don't Waste Your Life". If you have yet to read this, please buy it today. It seriously is beyond life changing.
buy it now :)
We loved how Lulu Piper sounded... but yet we needed a family meaning in there as well.
Our trend is to use my side of the family for middle names, since Hebert is used already :)
Harrison {Allen ( my dad)}
Hannah Reese {Connie ( my mom)}
Hudson {Frederick (my grandpa)}
So we honored my Gramma Jean Frey & choose Jean- which is also my mom's middle name...and means "God is gracious".
But we knew we needed to honor one more special lady & that was our Aunty T from Hawaii, who blessed us in ways that we still shake our heads at. Literally an angel on earth. No joke.
So that settled it.
Yes it's a long name, for our smallest babe. But she's a Hebert. She's up for it. And we are so in love.
big smiles here.... phew....She is 1- still a girl -yes I had the same crazy fear with Hannah! 2- she was SO worth the wait & 3 please feed me....40 hours is just too long to go without food!
Gimme all the pizza!!! And brownies and ice cream! ( Truth be told, I could only eat like 2 pieces and one bite of the brownie, but A for effort for Matty getting late night eats for me!!)
Honolulu getting some heat before the bathed her.
All clean and already back to sleep.
Obsessed with this dollface.
Day 1 outside the womb- 6.5.19
YAY! Dunkin & Hudson!Sister Sister! Meeting for the 1st time! ALL THE HEARTS.
The reality behind the boys... they're like okay she's beautiful ...lets watch TV
Goofy BIG BRO!
Ok so I was all smiles all day Wednesday... from snuggling Lulu, to seeing our fam be a party of 6, to having Lulu meet our faves... to using all my new Sephora goodies... AND having the best few hours of uninterrupted sleep because they offered to take Lulu to the nursery! ... was the best day ever ever ever!
Hospital Essentials. Dry Bar Triple Sec spray & Moroccan oil Hairspray... and all the Drunk Elephant facial stuff & NARS bronzer.... basically a mini spa... felt SO good. And a mini speaker. Having jams all day every day while waiting was so helpful... from City Alight to Britney to Tabata ReMixes... and then an audio book.. totally a must have...
And hooray for the love of friends and fam!! Sherri and the boys!
Meeting Mimi
Hannah spent all day Wednesday with me and just couldn't get enough Lulu! It was really sweet.
And she loved the hospital lunch, since it wasn't the clear liquid diet anymore!
Dusty, Mila, Allen & Max came by!
Highly Rec this read!
Thursday 6.6.19
Home Sweet Home!
But not for long! Let's go swimming ( and get momma some Vit D!)
Lulu's 1st outing at Lifetime!
And so here her story starts.... and our newest chapter as a family of 6 begins... we are beyond THANKFUL. Thankful to the Lord for keeping us sane during the last few hours, for the kindness of and spunk of the fab nursing staff, for my amazing hubby who took our trio on endless adventures over those 40 hours to pass the time and to ease their excitement... for all my blogger friends who prayed for us then and now and for this new baby girl who opened my heart in a new way...
God is beyond good ...

And this... give it a listen
Honolulu Song
So thankful that sweet little baby Lulu is safely here! 🎀💖 Enjoy the journey as a family of's wild, crazy, and loud- but I wouldn't trade it for the world. 😊 Congratulations to all of you! Can't wait to meet that precious bundle.