Thankful for this cute pic of Hannah's sweet class at their field trip! Poor thing hated the show, and I had the same memories from my grade school play of A Christmas Carol- but loved the bus ride and home lunch :)
Thankful that on early release days for our kid's district, they can come all day with me! All three, all day, normally is hectic- but knowing we had a concert that night had them on really good behavior! 😍
It was a mad dash home from work, to get ready and then dash out again an hour away, but we made it just before the doors opened to get seats, and we thankfully got amazing ( for us) seats! No row was in front of us, so we could get up as we needed ( which was often ( shaking my head)). Although it was Christian music, the instrumentals were LOUD & Hudson even with ear plugs needed a few breaks.
Look at our foot room! A tall person's dream :)
Glad they amped it up at the end, because I was exhausted..! But Joy will wake anyone up!
We love the city!
After Indian food we need to satisfy our sweet tooth. Dylan's Candy Bar!
Thankful for these handsome gents.
And then the muddy one joins the picture 😆
With a full Sunday, there was just a small window of afternoon time... perfect for a playdate!
Auntie Sherri's the best!
Arriving early to church meant we got in on the sugary goodness of cookie decorating! Yum!
9 work days til break!!!

I am loving all the festive outfits and that concert looked amazing! Love when you get seats that perfectly meet your needs. 🙌🏼