Thankful for dad son dates! Soccer game in the freezing cold, but those yummy fries helped keep them warm!
Last day of soccer!
Happy Halloween from Matt and his teammate Deb! Decade day for their middle school floor! Very impressed that my anti Halloween hubby dressed up so well and had FUN! Its the crazy teacher life, you gotta do what you gotta do for the kiddos!
Hooray for Papa Johns delivering to my little pumpkins!Hooray for a beautiful day, no traffic and getting home with lots of time to Trick or Treat!
My teammate and I and our adorable Hocus Pocus I smell children shirts ;)
Harrison and our neighbor and good friend Ethan! These light up shirts were the coolest teen costume. They blinked to music and the glasses were just so fun too! It was our 1st year letting Harrison go on his own, and we all survived! the 8pm curfew might have helped, and our safe neighborhood being patrolled by sheriffs often too. Thank you Lord!
Their Loot!
Loved this beautiful costume choice!
Besides Hudson giving back candy that he thought had nuts, and saying "no I don't like that" to some neighbors, entering houses ready to play with other neighbors, and getting jumped on by a dog, we all survived!
Cutest Mummy on the block!
Thankful for a perfect Saturday to take family outdoor pics!
Still no coffee taste buds, but hooray for hot cocoa with extra whip!
Love our church friends!
Thankful for this little stud's arrival! Baby Maxwell Sebastian!
Thankful that although I didn't drive the rusted beast home Monday, noone was injured in the attempting car theft, the tow truck guy was legit and drove me home, the loaner from the auto body was the #1 most stolen car ( I learned alot that night on the phone with Allstate!), so Matt got that for the next day at work ;), and the love that was shown from my amazing coworkers was awesome. Overall super annoying and kept us awake that night- but we have lots to be thankful for!

Come on November... be a good rest of the month... only 16 school days left... we got this...

Your halloween costumes were all fantastic! Those light up t-shirts and perfect for the teenage years. I love it. And your kiddos outfits for family pics are 👌🏼! Can't wait to see them.
ReplyDeleteBaby Maxwell is so incredibly precious...a perfect cousin for your babe!