Thankful for my mom and ray taking hannah everywhere with them. 1st stop was Walmart and apparently she "needed" a cute helmet. Good choice, sis, and yes if her dreams to bike to school daily come true, the helmet is a must!
thankful for root beer float day and for teaching our sheltered kids what a float is! Goodness what a mom fail! Yes they thought the idea was cool. Yes it was a happy few minutes and silent sipping! And of course in true high maintenance hebert form, the two youngest "couldn't" eat the soda infused ice cream. That would be just too easy ;)
Iowa Bound!
Thankful that the crazy serious accident was on the other side of the road, and although there was 1 fatality, the other motorcyclist and the semi driver both survived. Be careful ya'll! These roads are nuts!
Thankful to have arrived at Ray's place just in time for the most gorgeous sun set!
thankful for the peace that country life gives. Look at that sky, Serious watercolor perfection.
thankful that when we are with grandpa ray, we are so protected.
thankful for a fun grill your own hot dog supper!
thankful for simplicity, fire flies & the glow of the fire
thankful for the cutest freckled nose & a snuggled bug on Mimi
Rise and shine! Get ready for the Fair! ( And another impressive sky!)
Thankful that all our kids are wide eyed and bushy tailed ( goofy smilers) in the early hours.
We are ready! I think I was more excited than all 5 of them, but that's ok! #akidatheart
all the hearts ( for the guy next to me, and being able to crop off my arm and thighs)
We arrived close to 9am, the fair grounds were open at 7am, yet the buildings were just opening as we and the whole planet arrived.
Aww!! That itty bitty brand new piglet!!
So my mom and ray are basically adventurers. They love this ride. The kids all were dying for it. Matt, my partner in being scared of heights, was my hero and opted to ride with Hudson so I wouldn't have to.
They all took off. A kid each, and there they went. The round trip was shortened to one way, as the heights got higher as they rode and Hudson increased in squirminess (#thatfallisfar). The kids are alive and in 1 piece, Matt too ;) and we couldn't believe that Mimi and Ray wanted to go back on it later. #theyrenuts
All smiles for the initial few minutes!
Going to the fair with grandparents means a few extra perks, such as fun rides!
We wanted iconic fair food .. and although I didnt get anything sweet deep fried... it was just too hot for that... the footlong corn dog was delish
This farm activity was so fun! The kids had to walk through the "farm" and do the "chores" and then at the end they got a paper buck to redeem at the "general store" for a fun snack!
And minutes later .... leaving just 3 hours after arrival.... they gone...
Thankful that Matt did in fact go to the early morning Friday interview... we might have debated... after 3 interviews already, with seemingly interested employers, we were like really!? But he did... and then he got an on the spot offer... and took it... and will only be 5 miles from me! Another way to reach the city! Love him and his heart to help the middle schoolers! Math and Science here he comes!
Thankful for another adorable Tessa dress! I had to snap a pic before swim suits came on! The back detail is so fun!

Looks like your time in Iowa was great! And good job with the hit all the important things, and I will forever just live through your photos. 😉So glad you've been enjoying summer to the fullest- cannot believe school starts next week!